A Date With NyQuil: ROW80 Mid-week Check-in 11/9/11

Hello, Team ROW80! I’m calling this The Lost Week on the ROW80/NaNo front.

On the upside, it’s my birthday week. On the downside, I am sick, sick, SICK! It is a very good thing that I posted ahead for NaNoWriMo because a lot of what I’m up to right now is sleeping, rather than writing.

Still, each time I surface, y’all are making me smile with your comments and tweets. The #pantypeeps are out in force after Monday’s Man-Style epilogue to the Undie Chronicles. And yesterday’s post about writing THE BIG SEXY went over well.

Progress is slow…there’s only been about 1500 words added to my WIP this week over at NaNoWriMo. I’ll be trying to generate interest for some of you to join me in word sprints to catch up. It’s not even the middle of the month, there’s plenty of time, right? Once I get out of bed long enough to write more than the 200 words you see here. 🙂

Right now, I’ve got a date with some NyQuil! When I wake up, I’ll go cheer on some ROW80 bloggers. What a life!

How is your writing week going? For those of you doing NaNoWriMo, are you feeling good about it, or are you falling behind? Touch base with us so we know how you’re doing! Click here to cheer on some of your other ROW80 peeps.


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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34 Responses to A Date With NyQuil: ROW80 Mid-week Check-in 11/9/11

  1. {{Big hugs!!!!!}} Feel tons better, Jenny! Don’t worry about the words. They are resting nearby and ready to roll out once you are up. I’m not doing NaNo, but am digging out from a crazed work schedule and feeling years behind on ROW goals. Life moments indeed.

    Since you are resting, I’m going to put the morning dance music on low. Maybe use an instrumental track from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack and do a little samba. 🙂 We’ll crank it up louder for your B-Day.


  2. HUGS!!! Hope you feel WAY better soon Jenny – no fun being sick let along being sick on your birthday week and during a busy month – arg! Eat lots of soup, drink fluids, take drugs and get rested…it’ll pass soon enough…
    Even with that, you are still managing to stay afloat so keep at it…we are all here cheering you on!
    This week has definitely been better for me. Not much “progress” on the writing front but lots of the idea/writing genre front. Although I seem to have a great paranormal type idea developing, I’ve realized it’s just not what I want to write. A) too complicated (especially for my first novel) and B) I want to tap into my natural voice and write women’s fiction. Started the SPQ and LOVE it (THANK YOU) and that’s more like the style I want to write. Now to craft an idea around that…hmmmm…more brainstorming, thinking required! 🙂
    BTW, Happy Freaking Birthday – here’s to a FAB year ahead – muah! xoxox
    P.S. Barbara….love the tunes and can’t wait to rock it out for the B-day!


  3. Feel better, Jenny! I haven’t written anything other than my blog, some outlining, and about 1K words since my fall October 20th. Day job demands come first. I’m almost caught up with that paperwork, and then back to my wip #2 and revisions on book #1.

    Hang in there!


  4. First, Happy Birthday!
    Second, I hope you feel better soon!
    When under the weather, anything is better than nothing … 1.5k words is great =)


  5. K.B. Owen says:

    Hey, Nat, what’s SPQ? Jenny, I’m so sorry to hear you’re sick! Boy, what some people will do to goof off on their birthday, lol. 29, right? 😉

    So grab your NyQuil cocktail (it’s a pretty color, at least, and you can put an umbrella in it in honor of your birthday) and curl up in bed with a trashy novel that jumps hard and often to step number 12, and fall asleep over it. After all, you’re our party girl panty peep, so you have a reputation to uphold!

    Feel better (and let me know when you’re up for a word sprint),


  6. Laura Drake says:

    Man, I hope I’m not Typhoid Mary, Jenny.
    So sorry.


  7. Julie Glover says:

    Bless your heart! And on your birthday week? So wrong. I hope you feel better soon. (I also wonder what the best undies are for sickness because I’m thinking granny panties all the way. See the impact you’ve had on me!)


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Granny panties scare me though. They’re soooo big, I’m afraid I will (a) get lost in them or (b) have to go to the hospital in them. I’ve got on some nice cozy bikini briefs from Costco. Gotta have cotton comfort in the sickbed!


  8. Stacy Green says:

    Sending big hugs and get-well wishes. It’s so tough to focus on writing when you’re sick. And yuck to being sick on your birthday week. Feel better soon!

    LOL. I agree with Julie. Sicky = granny panty comfort.


  9. showard76 says:

    Happy Birthday and hope you feel better soon! Seems to be a few Rower’s not feeling well this week! Best wishes to all the poorly peeps out there! 🙂 x


  10. Feel better soon Jenny! I have to agree with Julie and Stacy on the granny panty comfort, LOL. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!


  11. timlobrien says:

    Hope you feel better and catch back up with your writing. I start to get stressed when my allotted time to write gets disrupted with things unexpected. Last night I planned to write two blogs for Thursday and next Monday. I am leaving town early tomorrow for a long weekend in South Texas to celebrate by Big 50 (which I blogged about today) on Sunday. Instead, I spent last night in the emergency room with my ten-year old son who injured his knee in his playoff football game. This morning was spent at the ortho doctor. I still have two blogs to write and time is ticking. Here’s hoping you are feeling better and get to enjoy your birthday!


  12. amyshojai says:

    Hoppy bird day two ewes,
    hoppy bird day two ewes,
    hoppity BIRD day deer Jenny,
    hoppy bird day two ewes.

    I know that’s ba-a-a-aaad but cain’t hep it. T’was my bird day week, two…I mean, too. *s*

    Feel better soon, m’dear.


  13. Dang girl, weren’t you sick not too long ago? My idea for a cure is to crush A LOT of garlic, I’m taking like straight from the clove maybe 5-8 will do and make some sauce out of it. Then put the sauce (not heated because it takes away the effects of the garlic) on some chicken or something. Trust me, its gross and burns a little but it heals you quick and clears the sinuses right up.

    Hope you feel better soon and can party down for your B-day!! Plus you gotta get your taste buds back to eat cake. 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I got the stomach flu the first week of December but I got it from kissing my hubby so that doesn’t really count. (We thought his was food poisoning.)

      If I don’t get better by the big day tomorrow, I’m hitting the garlic. 🙂


  14. Sorry to hear you’re sick, Jenny. I can always pass along my aunt’s remedy, which was a spoonful of bourbon with some sugar dissolved in it. I think by the time I was five, I was faking a cough for that stuff 😉

    This is a big birthday week in my family–eldest daughter’s was Monday; eldest son’s is today. I hope you feel well enough to rock out on your birthday!


  15. Happy Birthday, Jenny. I’m so sorry you’re sick when you’re trying your best to be mom, wife, homemaker, trainer, writer, blogger, networker, friend. Pat on the back, hug, and go to bed.


  16. Oh Jenny, I just opened my email and there was your blog.

    I know that I sent you a short get well greeting on facebook earlier, but really Jenny, what in blazes are you doing out of bed? Shut the front door, I mean your laptop and get some well deserved rest. (Sorry, when someone is sick it brings out that instant mother/caretaker instinct in me. i mean no offense)

    Before you do, go read my new blog, that is if your eyeballs aren’t already cross-eyed. I think you’ll find it interesting. That is if you like Jon Bon Jovi! Then hit the covers and chicken soup!

    Get well soon Jenny!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I AM in bed! Haven’t y’all learned how to schedule your blogs yet? Holy cow. You can line those suckers right up for days. I love my phone – I can answer your comments in bed. 🙂

      I’ll start doing some blog hunting tomorrow…promise!


  17. Jeez, what a great birthday present. Hope you’re better soon. Try sage tea for congestion. It clears that stuff right on out. Take care.


  18. Marcia says:

    Happy Birthday, Jenny…I hope you’ll feel well enough to enjoy it. the only thing worse than being sick on your birthday is being that sick when your new baby grandson is about to be born, like my girlfriend.
    Pour a little vodka in that Nyquil…that’ll kick the sick out of you.


  19. Ha! Loved Marcia’s remedy! Hope you are feeling better *whew – relieved you managed to avoid the granny panties* and celebrate that birthday like it’s the best one you ever had. Barb will be leading the Wana Conga Line …


  20. Jenny Hansen says:

    The remedies offered by y’all are A-MAZING. I’m on to the sage tea next, I’ve already tried the bourbon and the vodka (kidding)…really it’s been all about Nyquil. 🙂 I believe I’m starting to mend.

    Thanks!! Come back tomorrow for some serious Pimp or Promote. 🙂


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