Project #SaveTheBooby

Since mid-November, my siblings have been texting me photos of booby birds. They send them with cute hashtags like #SaveTheBooby and #ProjectGetItOut. You see, mid-November is when I found out I have breast cancer and, with relatives like the Bag Whore, it’s been non-stop boobies ever since.

I have to admit, they’re cracking me up. I had no idea this kind of cuteness even existed!

Boobies come in all colors – there are three or four plain black and brown types, but the blue and red-footed booby birds are the real cutie pies. For my bird-watching pals (yes, I’m looking at you, K.B. Owen), these blue-footed charmers breed on the Galapagos Islands, and apparently they have one of the cutest mating dances around.

I put a short clip of it below. Totally worth your minute, y’all.

Booby Mating Dance

No that NatGeo dude did NOT just say “these boobies are swingers”…

I just can’t keep a straight face for that video.

Anyway, back to the boo-hiss breast cancer. This is some Stage 1 early-detection cancer and things are looking pretty positive. I have friends who have suffered terribly and (so far) it looks like I will get out of this ordeal with no chemo, so I’m feeling pretty lucky.

Plus, I’ve gotten presents like this:

The doctors are all enjoying that mug in appointments, let me tell you. And who doesn’t want that magical blue-footed stuffy next to their computer?

All kidding aside, I am absolutely getting an A+ in cancer, and I’m feeling very very grateful about it. #ProjectGetItOut (aka surgery) happens on December 22nd. I’ll keep y’all posted on how things go and whether there are any surprises that day. I would absolutely love any positive “no chemo” prayers you have.

What is up with you this holiday season? Do you have any holiday plans or news to share?


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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10 Responses to Project #SaveTheBooby

  1. Wishing you all the best, Jenny. My breast cancer surgery was also on December 22—twelve years ago. They’ve been twelve amazing years. Hang in there! (And I love the mug!)


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Oh, wow! Talk about Pink Sisters…thanks for sharing this, Rebecca. I am so happy you are thriving these twelve years later. 🙂

      And Piper Bayard gave me that mug. Isn’t it WONDERFUL?


  2. Jenny, Sending you all the love and hugs and positive vibes during this time. I will be thinking of you and praying for you during the surgery. I will put on the pink hat you knitted years ago during my daily walk – this always makes me smile! Looking forward to your update on recovery. Those boobies are adorable!  Debbie Herbert

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Thanks, Debbie! I absolutely loved that pink hat. I’m delighted that you are still wearing it!

      And leave it to my siblings to make me laugh when times are tough. When they decide you have a new spirit animal, they don’t dink around. LOL.


  3. angelapeart says:

    You are a fighter! Praying all goes well 😘😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Thanks, Angela! While I am pretty mentally tough, the fact remains that this stage 1 cancer doesn’t hold a candle to the worry and trials we went through while I was pregnant. We 100% have this. 🙂


  4. Thinking of you, Jenny! I’m so glad to hear it was detected early. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kelly Byrne says:

    If anybody’s getting an A+ in cancer, it’s gonna be rock star Jenny Hansen. lol Seriously though, cancer did pick the wrong bitch because you’re one tough cookie. Still, I’m so glad you found it early. All the good and positive energy I can muster is shooting straight down the 405 at you for today and Friday and beyond. Keep us posted. Merry Christmas. You got this. Fuck cancer. Big hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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