5 Blogs That Knocked My Socks Off

In my quest to craft a viable freelance writing niche, I signed up for Media Bistro a few weeks back and, since the stomach flu decimated my house right after that, I didn’t check the results.

Wowzers! I signed up to receive several of their blogs like:

Take a gander at those articles! Every post I opened had something that interested me. So, I’m on info-overload right now, but I’m pretty happy about it so I had to share for the writers in the posse.

Have you found anything lately that surprised you with how good the info was? Enquiring minds always want to know these things here at More Cowbell!

~ Jenny

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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18 Responses to 5 Blogs That Knocked My Socks Off

  1. Feel better. Jenny! And everyone else in the house too. 🙂 Thanks for the links.


  2. I got hit with the stomach flu, too! Oh my goodness! I actually turned green! I hope you are recovering! It took me a week to achieve semi-normal, but I’m old. LOL

    One of my must read blogs is The Business Rusch (http://kriswrites.com/business-rusch-publishing-articles/). I also love The Passive Guy (http://www.thepassivevoice.com/). He is a lawyer and his wife writes novels. I also recently found The Blog Tyrant (http://www.blogtyrant.com/). I tend to read a mix of writing business/craft blogs and social media type stuff. {grow} is also a favorite in the social media realm (http://www.businessesgrow.com/2014/01/21/courage-and-blogging/).


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Those are all fantastic blogs, Pauline! And I wasn’t aware of the Blog Tyrant. I adore that name and I’ll go check him out. Thank you!!!

      And yes, this bug was a MONSTER.


  3. susielindau says:

    Great list! I checked out the Twitter article. Loved their correlation to the sins.
    I researched the Blue Check and posted about it yesterday. So many writers are hesitant to follow others thinking it will make them look uncool and unbluecheckable. That’s not how it works!
    I hope you have a healthy household soon!


  4. The Regular Guy NYC says:

    I am so trying to avoid My fiancee’ had it and many in my office too. Feel better soon!


  5. Patricia Sands says:

    Good stuff, Jenny! I like it when blogs share helpful information in a concise post. Y’know how it is to find time to read. I was truly surprised at the stats that showed only 4% of readers are committed to ebooks only.
    Hopefully the nasty germs that invaded your happy home have been vanquished!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I was so fascinated by that statistic, Patricia! I thought people were much more committed to their e-readers too. My hubby is quite committed to my e-reader, since it helps save on clutter but I could go either way. 🙂


  6. Feel better, Jenny. I recently signed up for MediaBistro too. Cool stuff. Interesting stats in the article about ebook reading. We still love our print. 🙂


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