Writing Inspiration Both Old and New

The Vicious Texas Flu, as we’re calling it in my house, has turned everything loose but my voice. I still sound like an adult film star.

I’m totally not kidding. All weekend, I had people standing kinda close giving me the “Come Hither” eyes over this raspy voice of mine. I might have to do a video for y’all before it goes away. It’s turbo-sexy.

So, in honor of me getting back to work and back into my groove, I’ll share the two things that inspired me this week. That’s what Techie Tuesday is all about, you know: helping my peeps.

My #1 piece of inspiration is a teensy bit old.

It’s a post I ran last September with stellar advice from both Chuck Wendig and Maureen Johnson. Her video is so awesome, I’m going to include it again. Y’all need to watch this EVERY time you sit down to do something you’re passionate about.

Dare To Suck!

My #2 piece of inspiration is totally new.

Yesterday, Fae Rowen put up Part 4 of a series that is just flooring me with its useful excellence: Why We (and Our Characters) Fall In Love.

This series talks about attachment styles:

  • How to recognize your own attachment styles (yes, there’s a quiz to identify yours)
  • How to build story conflict using your character’s attachment styles
  • And (SO important) how to reflect various attachment styles in the characters we write

That’s some great stuff. There’s links to all four parts in the URL I put above. Enjoy!

What has inspired you this week? Do YOU “dare to suck” or are you still having a hard time with that part of your creative process? Do you have any other nifty inspirational links to share with us? Enquiring minds always want to know these things here at More Cowbell!


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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23 Responses to Writing Inspiration Both Old and New

  1. Jess Witkins says:

    I will definitely be checking out these links! I’ve been channeling Candace Havens this week and her rule to “Believe in the magic of writing.” Even when you’re not feeling it, knowing something good will come from it is so powerful.


  2. Laura Drake says:

    I slapped my butt in the chair and started in on my next book. Didn’t want to. Pouted, wasted time, complained. Then, I remembered that kernel of the story that caught my interest to begin with. I’m BAAAACCCKKK!!!

    Amazing things happen when you just make yourself sit down. Even if you don’t want to.
    I wish all Cowbellers a good writing week!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m so excited about all the exciting things happening for you this week, Laura. And you have earned every one of them. Keep inspiring, girlfriend. SO proud of you. 🙂


  3. I remember the first time you shared the “Dare To Suck” video. I loved it then…and still do today. As for inspiration…recently I came across this 11 year old young lady. She blew me away….and inspired me to go forth boldly. 🙂 http://youtu.be/BPszAxLjFSs


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      WOW. She was so beautiful, and so powerful. And, since I’m a sympathetic cryer, the judges got me going…


      • I’m glad you enjoyed her, too. So much amazing potential in that little girl!


        • Jenny Hansen says:

          Yep, she was. She reminded me of a young Maya Angelou.


          • Absolutely. I’m constantly amazed and inspired when I see such young, poised talent. They haven’t even come into their full potential yet! Of course, knowing that also means it’s our responsibility, when we see those things, to nurture and care for them…to help them not to become embittered or disillusioned so that they continue to grow, rather than turning away from their gifts.


  4. K.B. Owen says:

    Jenny, that “Dare to Suck” video by Maureen Johnson is a classic! I’ve watched it multiple times and am going to again (as soon as I’m done with my comment). Thanks so much for the inspiration. Hope your voice gets back to normal soon…unless hubby’s really diggin’ it, then you may want to keep it as an early Father’s Day present, IYKWIM.

    Oh, wait, we’re talking about writing, aren’t we? Ahem, sorry. Well, as you know, I’m the editing Queen, but I’m as intimidated as hell by writing that first draft. I battle those feelings every time I sit in front of the keyboard, with that dang blinking cursor parked on a blank screen. *blink, blink, blink* Ugh.

    So, off to watch the video again, and then back in the chair I go…see ya!


  5. filbio says:

    All I keep hearing in my mind is your sexy raspy porn star voice!

    I have a few ideas in my mind for a boom I want to write. My blog comes easy, but I need to find inspiration to write a whole book. That’s why I read and participate on differenrt blogs as each one is so different and offers ideas to learn from.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Phil, I have a terribly hard time writing an entire book. (I write short, rather than long.) So, I tricked myself. I got Scrivener and I write scenes in there. 60 scenes = 1 full-length book. I don’t know if that would work for you, but it has for me.

      Let me know if you try it, and good luck. It takes a lot of endurance to write a book.


  6. Lol, I can still hear your raspy voice in my head Jenny. It has got to be so frustration for you at this point. Ah yes, dare to suck. Yep, that would be me. I’m daring and sucking, plugging along slower than a snail’s pace, but still, moving forward. This writing thing is teaching me a lot about patience. But, I’m not giving up. By the way, your broccoli Rocks girl! Yummy! Thanks. And I hope this means you’re getting your strength back. 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Patience is overrated, but my broccoli is NOT. 🙂 Glad you liked it. I’ve got a soup pot to give back to you, but alas…still no robust voice to be found.


  7. Love Maureen’s video! I’ve been following Fae Rowan’s series on WITS too 🙂
    And you know what else I’ve been doing … lots of frackin learning, that’s what! Caught a couple of WANA courses (Marcy Kennedy on loglines, taglines, and pitches, and Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi on writing emotion – in a way that doesn’t suck). I’m in my first Margie Lawson Course. AND I’ve just finished watching a great video series by Lisa Cron through Lynda.com. My head might explode, but in a totally good way. Totally. Good.
    Between you, Kristen, and WITS, I’m getting all the good. All of it. In May.
    Thank you!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Great job, Melanie!! Post up the link to the Lisa Cron video if you come back by. I love her Wired for Story. I’m reading it right now. 🙂


      • It’s on Lynda.com, a video learning service that’s by subscription. I have an account through work (I was supposed to be learning about software and such, but–LISA CRON! I justified myself by saying that storytelling is the basis of good training products 😀 ). I checked and they have a 7 day free trial … You should see if you can burn through the series in the trial period 🙂 Wired for story is on my Galaxy Note, waiting in the queue.


  8. Thanks for the promo, Jenny. Your check’s in the mail!


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