In Remembrance of Heroes Small and Large…

No one has more Cowbell than our men, women and animals in the military. Except, perhaps, the families they leave behind. Military families possess some serious  Cowbell.

I always say this is the blog about MORE and these families give more. Much more than the average family.

Many military families struggle.

Whether it’s the fear of living paycheck to paycheck, or raising children alone while their spouses are deployed (again and again), there are very real challenges for our servicemembers and their families.

  • They give up the certainty that their loved one will be safe at all times.
  • They move a LOT, often with very little notice.
  • The at-home spouse often handles these details alone.
  • Women birth babies and hope they will meet their dads.

Our military might be the ones training, administrating, or standing on the front lines, but they are not the only ones who serve. Their spouses, parents and children dedicate their energy to keeping our servicemembers’ minds at ease so they can do their jobs knowing that all is well at home. Even when it isn’t.

So today, I hope you’ll take a moment to give thanks for the people who protect our freedom and the families that support them while they do it.

Freedom isn’t  free.

Memorial Day is a day off so that we have the time to acknowledge, remember, and honor the sacrifice. I hope you take a moment today to offer a prayer, thought, letter or token of gratitude. Our Nation’s fallen, and their families, deserve it.

Some links:

Final Words…

Here’s an excerpt from Kristen Lamb’s exceptional Memorial Day post:

I would like to talk about one more type of hero that is easy for us to forget. War dogs. Many of these furry service pooches provide such a valuable service to our troops. To honor these unsung heroes, my friend NY Times Best-Selling Author James Rollins is calling for pictures to add to a Pinterest board dedicated to service animals.

Here are the details from Jim:

[WAR DOGS] I got all my ducks….or should I say, dogs…in a row this morning and created Pinterest Pinboard featuring military war dogs. I’m hoping to enlist members of the armed forces to share their pictures of their companions: at work and at play.

If you are one of those folks, share them! Post your photo and story here on Facebook or just jump on over to my Pinterest page an pin your photo and story.

If you feel like sharing your OWN pictures of your four-legged companions being “warriors,” send those too! They could be serious, funny, poignant, or silly. I’d love to build a board of those pictures, too.

Pinterest link:

Don’t have a Pinterest account? I’ll send you one. Email me here:

Photo Credit: Jennifer Ross. Location: Oman.


How do you honor Memorial Day? Are there family members or friends you are thinking about today? Enquiring and patriotic minds love to know these things here at More Cowbell!


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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13 Responses to In Remembrance of Heroes Small and Large…

  1. Laura Drake says:

    Love the reminder that the brave ones aren’t only the ones on the front lines, Jenny. Thank you.


  2. Pingback: Nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award | JessicaAspenWrites

  3. Marie Trout says:

    Yes – I can relate to the wives at home. When my husband is out touring I do have to be mom AND dad and do all the logistics… Yet the big difference is Walter is out singing and playing his guitar.

    He is NOT being shot at putting his life at risk! I cannot even begin to imagine what that must be like both for the ones doing it – and the ones who stay behind.

    I have much love and respect for people everywhere who put their own needs aside and serve a cause greater than themselves! Thank you for the posting – and I like your suggestion to translate our gratitude into action. To actively do something for Military Families – maybe if it is just a silent prayer, rather than just treating Memorial day as an excuse for eating hot dogs and tanning at the beach!

    One day – maybe serving our country will be about doing community service, helping the old and the poor – and not having to kill others.

    That is my prayer for the future.


  4. Lovely post, Jenny! Thanks for including the animals. 🙂 I think of my granddad a lot on Memorial Day. He was an air force pilot and we lost him too soon. Your post is inspiring me to head to the cemetery nearby.


  5. Great post and a terrific reminder that it’s not just the fallen who need to be remembered. Like you, each Memorial Day I take a moment to think of those who have given their lives so that I can live mine in a country that allows me an education, to work in whatever profession I choose, and the chance to be the women I am meant to be. Bless them all ~ families, friends, loved ones and strangers alike.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      My cousin and his wife particularly impress me – he’s been to Iraq twice, the DMZ in South Korea and is now in Afghanistan where a suicide bomber just took out 8 men in his encampment. She soldiers on.

      She’s birthed a baby without him and took pictures with “Flat Daddy” in the delivery room and sent them out.

      She continues helping other Army wives everywhere through Army Wife Network and impresses me daily.


  6. Running from Hell with El says:

    I got the chills when I read your post above. “Freedom is not free.” No. Indeed it is not. Thank you for making my day that much more meaningful.


  7. S. J. Maylee says:

    We honored my grandparents today that have passed on, but we spoke to both my one living grandparent and my FIL who both served. One of my best friends is a military wife and through her I’ve come to a great understanding of the sacrifice the whole family makes. It’s so true that freedom is not free. Beautiful post.


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