What Kinds of Blogs Do You Post When You’re Tired?

Welcome to Thoughty Thursday here at More Cowbell! This is the day of the week when you’re privy to whatever’s flitting through my brain. Only my brain is too tired right now.

I’m a single mom this week and Babykins is sick AGAIN. She had to pick the week Hubby is away at a seminar to keep me up all night, right?

Preschool tangent (and backstory):
I’ve decided preschool must just be a hotbed of kissing cootified kids. Just last week, the Little Bean got told to step back from a lip-lock with some Don Juan toddler named Winston. I haven’t decided how I feel about this sort of hussy-ish behavior yet…

BUT, she now has a cold. I think it’s from those Winston-cooties.

[Okay, back to our regular blog…]

What DO you post when you’re dragging? Short posts, old posts, misspelled posts? What?

I vote for simple posts, or posts that don’t take much time. Perhaps it’s one of the above, or  a picture. Maybe a quote. A lot of the people who hang out here are bloggers themselves, so I’m going to push the title question back to you. I’m curious.

I’m going with a photo my pal, Tameri Etherton, took during her Monday Morning beach walk.

It’s fabulous just as it is, but I’ve got to confess, I’d have likely tried to get men and women alike to pose next to it and try to have life imitate art, if you know what I mean.

So I ask YOU…what is this thing?


What is the first word that comes to your mind when you look at that beach art? What would you name it? Would you have posed yourself or any objects in the photo with it? Enquiring minds LOVE to know these things here at More Cowbell!


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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47 Responses to What Kinds of Blogs Do You Post When You’re Tired?

  1. My thoughts on what that art represents, in order of their appearance in my brain: (1) mushroom, (2) pud muddle (3) dang! I’m not seeing a BJ phallic symbol there.

    What do I post when my brain is tired and/or discombobulated?

    [This space intentionally left blank.]

    SO sorry little Puddin’ Pop is sick, Jenny.


  2. Jennifer says:

    Actually, I saw a fallen-down waiter with still holding his tray level. 🙂

    When I’m tired or discombobulated, I just don’t post. Which is most of the time during a school semester, and I’m finding it’s going to be even harder during a summer session! But that’s got to change, and I like the idea of a picture or a quote. Or maybe both. Which means instead of collecting thoughts and words, I need to collect pictures and quotes. Hmm…


    • amyskennedy says:

      Exactly Jennifer! That’s what I saw too. Back in my waitressing days there were many shifts I felt like that…


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Jennifer, I really think when you’re trying to do a million things, it’s hard to keep up with your blog. I tend to write a bunch of posts all together and save them as drafts for when I need them. My Tuesday post was the result of one of those drafts. Last night, I was just too tired to even look at anything cuz Babykins wore me out.

      So up went Tameri’s picture, which I’d saved earlier in the week. 🙂


  3. Julie Glover says:

    One word: Simplicity. I guess I thought it was a nice art piece with just sand, a log, and a rock. If art was really that easy, we could all do it!

    So take heart about this: Having run that preschool years ago, here’s what I found out. Almost all kids go through a time of being sick a lot when they’re first exposed to a lot of germs from other kids. The kids who don’t do it in preschool get it in kindergarten; homeschooled kids turned public school get that experience too, even if it’s 7th grade; first-year teachers have that tough first year getting used to the cooties from their students. But then the immune system gets built up. My kids had very few sick issues once we started public school, and I think it’s in part because they got it out of the way in preschool. Best wishes!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m really holding all you moms to this “short time period of sickness” thing. I’ve heard it takes 2 years and she’s been in for about one year so far. I’m hoping the cootie factory stops nailing my daughter soon. It’s hell on my work schedule. 🙂


  4. It’s a seal balancing a ball…or…a very aroused tree branch. 🙂 Very unique piece. I often write the most heart-felt posts when I’m tired because I am less inhibited and pour it all out. It’s usually at midnight or later. I definitely make more mistakes and have to go back to edit 100 times which makes me more tired. 🙂 Hope your little princess gets better soon! 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      “..a very aroused tree branch” <– *snorting with laughter*

      I think that's fantastic that your tired mind whips out some gems for your blog. Candace Havens swears she writes better tired. I personally have no idea which way I'm better.


  5. K.B. Owen says:

    Aww, Jenny! Kids have an impeccable sense of timing, don’t they? So sorry.

    I like to post funny videos when I’m strapped for time…or tacocat (a palindrome, too, so it’s a win-win). 😉

    Hope she’s better soon, and you get some sleep!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      That tacocat was extremely cool! I loved that post.

      And yes, Babykins timing is stunning for when she can “get you when you’re down” so to speak. I’m sure she will be better soon. The bonus is she hasn’t had a fever (which means she gets to be in school, adding to the cooties). I used to feel guilty about that until I realized I was the ONLY mother keeping her kids home.


  6. tomwisk says:

    I don’t. I’ve cut back a lot because I was bloviating. I was typing instead of posting. Now I post when something that bites my butt shows up, or my life has taken a weird turn. Oh yeah, for the sick child. home-made chicken soup, oqster crackers and weak tea always worked on me.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Lisa Hall-Wilson keeps that same schedule, Tom and loves it. She said it’s really made her blog more meaningful for her.

      I’ve never tried to give the girl the weak tea…excellent idea!


  7. amyskennedy says:

    Jenny, so sorry. Life is funny. That is all.


  8. I totally saw the fallen down waiter with the tray and thought I was having such a unique take – until I read the comments. If I had to add something into the still art, I might have tried to put one of those plastic drink glasses on the “tray”. I like the idea of a simple post now and then – I well chosen photo and a quote or question.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Francis, that would be awesome!! To put things onto “the tray.” I used to have a dinosaur phone and a boyfriend who would dress the phone up. I loved going downstairs and looking at that phone. You never knew what you were gonna get.


  9. Emma says:

    That picture makes me chuckle.
    When I’m dragging, I post a video from YouTube.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      And see, Emma…it always takes me FOREVER to find the YouTube video I want, so I never do that. It’s interesting to me how one person’s “fast” is another person’s “slow.”

      See why I heart blogging?


  10. Amber West says:

    “Goofy’s Demise.”

    Like all good modern art, it shouldn’t be explained.

    [To answer the tired posting – I usually don’t post…that is unless, of course, I am “wine-tired”. Then I get a bit ramble-y. Not that it’s a bad thing. That Doctor Who post this week was insanely popular and that was wine-induced.]


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      That’s hilarious, Amber…now I’m picturing Waiter Goofy. What clip was that from? It’s gonna drive me crazy trying to remember.

      So, your Dr. Who rant was wine induced?? Nice job! You can share a bottle of wine with me anytime.


  11. Catie Rhodes says:

    The picture — I titled it “turd on a stick.” Someone else can probably come up with something more classy.

    What kind of blog do I post when I’m tired? The kind with no words. It took me a long time to get comfortable with doing that, but I finally am.


  12. Aw, poor baby girl and poor mama! I’m sorry the little bean is down with a cold again, but as previously mentioned, once she gets those cooties built up, her immune system is going to be amazing!

    My friend and I were on a fast walk, so I barely stopped to take the picture, but I LOVE your idea of posing people like the stick! Next time… There are always interesting pieces of art down by the beach. Personally? I see a mushroom. Which, of course is also a faerie house. It’s a beach faerie and she was out surfing when we passed by. I looked for her, but didn’t see her or her hot faerie boyfriend.

    Thanks for the shout out! Oh, what do I post when I’m tired? Silly youtube videos like the Cluckineers. 😉


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      LMAO, Tameri! First of all, I LOVE that the faerie has a hot surfer boyfriend. Every fae gal should have one of those, don’t you think?

      I’m glad you use the beach. That really is the bonus of living in California — those beachy pretty mornings.

      And special thanks for snapping this photos. I had at least four thoughts about what it was. Some of them were naughty. 🙂


  13. Well, obviously that’s an otter laying on his back examining his next meal, a really odd shaped clam. What else could it possibly be?

    Sorry ’bout the kiddo being sick. You got kids, especially ones that kiss, you got cooties. I’m sure it was all instigated by Winston and your daughter’s innocent of any wrongdoing. (right)

    And to answer your question, when I’m tired, I don’t blog.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m having a great time reading through what everyone sees when they look at that photo, Patricia! I scroll up, take a peek and come back down to reply to the comment. I can totally see the seal now that you say it. 🙂

      Yep, I think that Winston is on Hussy Probation right now… LOL.


  14. I don’t post when I’m tired. I don’t worry about my blog on those days. No one ditches me when I can’t/don’t post.

    Sorry Babykins in sick.

    Building a strong immune system now, so she won’t miss a lot of school later? Maybe?


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m hoping for that, Renee. Julie swears it is so!! 🙂

      Good for you for relaxing about your blog. When I need a break, I take a week or two, but during the regular weeks, my blog helps me stay up to date with all my writing, which makes it a must.


      • Good for you. Everyone is different with their needs, I suppose. I’m not great at “faking it,” so if I’m feeling low, I tend to produce crap. That’s just me. I think you have a rare gift to power through those low energy days.


  15. Jane Sadek says:

    Since I blog about my travels, I write them all up when the trip is still fresh on my mind and then sit back and let them post automatically. I’m good through October for Wednesdays and Fridays. I’ve also discovered that the world doesn’t end when I don’t post three times a week. So if I don’t have something to say on Mondays, which is my local shout out, I just don’t say anything.


  16. Aw Jenny, I’m not going to say it. No, I’m not. 😦
    What do I post when I’m tired. I kinda take the same path as Renee. I don’t blog. And guess what? The world does not come to an end. Although for some stupid reason I feel guilty now. It’s a sick thing. Love the picture Tameri! It looks like a seal balancing a flat ball on its nose. What do you think it is?


  17. What do I post when I’m tired? Seeing as I’m tired all the time, the same stuff I always blog 😉
    Need some nasty fodder? How’s this (it’s the kind of thing my man sends me … not sure what it says about us, but we have the same twisted sense of humour)? Holy dog butt Batman! http://dangerousminds.net/comments/jesus_christ_spotted_on_dogs_butt
    I wouldn’t want to upset any religious souls, so it may be way out of bounds, but I thought you might enjoy the giggle.


  18. filbio says:

    Hmmmm……a simple pedestal to sit upon, stare at the ocean, and contemplate life’s mysteries?

    Such as – “wonder where those socks disappear to when doing the laundry”.


  19. For once, no gutter thoughts…actually, it reminded me of a Japanese rock garden with the clean lines, use of nature and simplicity. Pretty…and intriguing.

    Sorry to hear your munchkin’s sick again.


  20. I blurt like crazy when I’m tried, which makes blogging sort of like an after hours bar after one too many. LOL That thingy looks to me like a stool to sit on and play guitar. Man, now I want one with the same view. 😉


  21. EmmaK says:

    Well that thing on the beach – I see a cute bear lying down sort of like yogi bear balancing a black ball on his nose! I would call it ‘Bear Reclining’ and hang the pic in some poncey art museum!


  22. I tend to post about photos or include a recipe when in doubt. As for your beach art, I imagined it was a tiny bar stool. LOL


  23. Preschool is THE place to catch all the sicknesses circulating around. My kids were sick only twice each before going to daycare and they’ve both had plenty of flus and ear infections since. The kissing story was so cute 🙂 Hope the Don Juans are healthier next time.

    And lovely picture. The beach art looks like mushroom to me. It likely works as a seat and you can gaze at the sea.

    I tend to post vlogs when I need to come up with something quickly. Music, movie trailers and funny videos are all good. But when I’m busy and don’t feel like blogging, I have a bad habit of just not doing it.


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