A Funny Wish For Your Weekend

More Cowbell is on hiatus until next week…except when I see something that makes me spew coffee on my keyboard.

In the interest of sharing and highlighting the talents of one of our More Cowbell Posse members. Here’s a graphic from our own Regular Guy from NYC, Phil Holtberg.

69 Becomes 96 ~ Filbio

Follow him on Twitter.Β Visit his blog. (I linked to his Facebook page above the graphic.) I promise you’ll be entertained.

Enjoy your weekend! May you be lucky enough to…dine out. πŸ™‚

Do you have “new phrases” for old terms? Enquiring minds LOVE to know these things here at More Cowbell!


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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21 Responses to A Funny Wish For Your Weekend

  1. If this was a facebook post, I would definitely click “like”!!!!


  2. tomwisk says:

    Loved the graphic. At least that’s what I hear.


  3. zkullis says:

    Thanks Jenny, I needed a good laugh!

    I just received my official sequestration letter from HQ which I have to sign and send back…..


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I don’t even know what that means, Zack? Does it take you off active duty? Is this related to the congress sequestration? (And why are they going through all this at the last minute for something they’ve known about for TWO years? Damn politicians.)


      • zkullis says:

        It’s my official notice from HQ that I “might” (which means will) get furloughed. It could amount to a 20% pay cut while this whole sequestration travesty is going on, and since it depends on Congress pulling their heads out and actually agreeing on something, it might be a while.

        Fortunately for me, I’m part of the essential personnel. Of course that means I might end up working for free for a while too. We’ll see. In the meantime Congress decided they have worked hard enough to take today off and have a nice 3-day weekend.

        KMFA (IYKWIM)


  4. filbio says:

    Hello Jenny!

    OMG – this is such an honor! Thank you so much for featuring me and my little blog on your site!

    Glad I made you laugh, and I hope to give everyone a little chuckle. Most of what I write about has to do with my opinions on life here in NYC. My rants, ravings, views, eats, drinks, and overall experiences. Some with a humorous edge, some more straight forward, and I try to keep things interesting and hope the readers like what I have to say. I try to also dig up some funny stuff I find on the web such as the card you mentioned above.

    I hope you all have a chance to drop by my blog and follow it. I’m still a newbie that has only been at it for four months. Any Facebook likes and email signups will be so appreciated! I just put up a new post today regarding our lack of sleep and annoying neighbors too. Check it out when you have a moment.

    Thanks again! I am very humbled.



  5. LOL! I always know that ‘funny’ won’t be a problem here. πŸ™‚ Happy weekend, Jenny!


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