8 Fun (Mostly True) Facts About Mondays

What we’d all like to being doing on Mondays… Photo: Dana Ross Martin ~ WANA Commons

You know we love to cut up here a bit on Mondays so I’ve provided you with some of my theories about the first (often dreaded) day of the week.

1. Monday isn’t actually the worst day of the week. (Tuesday is.) Monday is when you find out what you missed from the prior week – Tuesday is when you must DO those things.

2. A visit to Sexy Town or Hanky-Panky-Ville guarantees a great mood on Mondays. Married people are more likely to have sex on the weekends (especially if they have kids). Plus, they’ve had some sleep. (This supports my theory from #1.)

3. Monday is hands down the best traffic day of the week. Seriously. All those people who take 3 day weekends are off the roads. Plus there’s lots of “weekend flu” going around on Monday mornings.

4. 50% of workers are late on Monday mornings. No joke. I think it’s the stress, which is kind of hilarious considering most people only work about 3.5 productive hours on Mondays. Or maybe it’s that “weekend flu.”

5. I always have clean hair on Mondays. I can’t state that unequivocally every day. Things happen. But the weekends are when I catch up and that includes hair washing.

6. I drink more coffee on Mondays. Hey, I’m not bragging. Truth is, I’m usually dragging from trying to cram everything in over the weekend. Most days I have 2 cups but on Monday’s I mainline caffeine just to get my verve on for the week.

7. Monday brings cute outfits to the workplace. This is directly related to the aforementioned point of trying to cram everything into the weekend. Like most people who work outside the home, I try to get all my laundry on Saturday and Sunday. This unearths serious clothing treasure.

8. Most people don’t smile until after 11 am on a Monday.ย (11:16 am to be exact.) Huh. Who knew?? I guarantee my More Cowbell posse won’t have this issue today…y’all are a funny bunch.

What theories do you have about Monday? Where does it fall in your “Like” rankings? Equiring minds always want to know about these fun, trivial sorts of things here at More Cowbell!


p.s. I put out the word yesterday on an issue I’m struggling with and you guys bowled me over with your outpouring of love. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate for how much better you made me feel. I’m still getting through the comments…it’s just a slow process. (Because y’all are so sweet, you keep tearing me up!)

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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62 Responses to 8 Fun (Mostly True) Facts About Mondays

  1. Gilliad Stern says:

    Monday’s are by far the worst day of the week for me. I normally just get to the point that I can settle down and enjoy my weekend when Monday rolls around. Darn work! Oh well, I guess it keeps me moving.


  2. Diana Beebe says:

    You nailed Monday on the head, especially the treasure trove of cute outfits. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m going to check the time at the office this morning to see when the smiles start cracking. 11:16, must be almost time for lunch! Have fun in CA!


  3. Jane Sadek says:

    I work at home and that means I pretty much do the same thing every day anyway. The best day is Sunday when I go to church. The worst day is Thursday when I do my parental units duty. Of course, last week I ended up with parental duties every day except Thursday which means I’m thoroughly confused today.


  4. I actually love Monday mornings, because (usually) nothing has had a chance to go wrong yet (except that darn alarm telling me it’s time for work :P).


  5. Author Kristen Lamb says:

    I love Mondays. Mondays are like a new notebook. Fresh start and I haven’t screwed anything up…yet :P. But I am also a morning person. I wonder if there is a correlation between people who don’t mind Mondays and morning people. This is probably also why many people would like to shoot me.


  6. I’m suspicious about the 11:16 thing . . . then again, until I read this and grin-giggled, I don’t think I’d smiled yet, and it’s 10:29 EST.

    And if I worked out of the house (sigh), I’d surely be among the late 50%ers.


  7. Mike Paulson says:

    Mondays, for me, are one of the best days of the workweek. I’ve got a list of quick, simple tasks that require completion at work each Monday, meaning that the day flies by without much effort on my part. Also, it’s way too early in the week to start daydreaming about the coming weekend. Otherwise, I’d say that #1-7 are all definitely true, but #8 is a myth. I find ways each Monday morning to laugh with (or at) my co-workers, hearing the crazy stories from the weekend.

    Thanks for the list, and the extra smile this morning!


  8. I love Mondays! Finally, a post with happy related news. (Normally we hear only heart attack risk spikes, and other oh-so-pleasant statistics. ;)) I think a major reason people dread Mondays is having a job they dislike and saving pleasure for weekends. If we all pursued our passions, every day would feel like a big ‘ol weekend/holidayโ€”IMHO.


  9. Amber West says:

    Mondays (when I worked in an office) mean no one has had the opportunity to do something that created more work for me, or done something terribly annoying yet, and my tolerance for others’ behavior is high. So, Mondays are great! ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. Hmm.. Mondays are definitely an adjustment for me… but Tuesday and Wednesday are the worst days for me by far! Love the squirrel picture… ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      80% of the time, Tuesdays are just suckitude. It’s usually the traffic. Brutal that day…just BRUTAL. However, this week (when I didn’t have a work commute), Monday was GRAND. ๐Ÿ™‚


  11. amyskennedy says:

    I love Mondays too! Today, I love it because I worked Saturday and Sunday so I’m off . But even if I was at work, I’d love it. Mondays are busy in the library and I love busy, plus a new week might mean new projects.


  12. I have love/hate relationship with Monday. I don’t write on the weekends, but I do think about it, so I’m always ready to dive into my MIP and then I get hit with PILES of email and great blogs to read and, well, Mondays never go quit how I hope but that is often a good thing. LOL!


  13. This Monday was a happy day for me since I ended my slight computer exile and have been online all day ๐Ÿ˜€ It wasn’t a very productive day, though. Usually on Mondays I start unloading my inbox that filled during the weekend. I dread that. Mondays are also so early during the week that I have energy left from the weekend. Pretty decent days, actually.


  14. The worst part about Mondays for me is that I get lazy with emails on weekends, so I always have several dozen extras on Mondays. Guess that’s not going to win me much sympathy from anyone who has to punch a time clock on Monday morning.


  15. tomwisk says:

    Monday is the day that I look up all the stuff I planned for the blog (none) and start swimming.


  16. Julie Glover says:

    During the school year, Mondays are perhaps the best day of the week: I’ve come off the refreshing time of worship and Bible time on Sunday and then the hubby and the boys go away to work and school, giving me space to accomplish what I need to do. When they get home on Monday, I’m refreshed and ready to hang out with my favorite guys. Worst day of the week IMO? Wednesday.


  17. Emma says:

    11.16am; I’m going to keep an eye on the clock next Monday.


  18. I began loving Mondays when I stopped trying to get a workout in along with EVERYTHING else. Now it is my “rest” day and that makes my mood so much better. Tuesday it’s back to the gym. Love to you my dear!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m still impressed by the 500 calories you burned on the eliptical. I think my legs might fall off first. That being said, what a great way to keep Monday awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚


  19. I actually like Mondays. However, I also like Fridays. They’re my two favorite days of the week. ๐Ÿ™‚


  20. The worst day of the week for me is Friday. It drags on forever.

    I’m usually more productive on Mondays than I am on Fridays. And usually my husband gets a lunch fixed on Mondays and most weeks on Tuesdays as well. By Wednesday and Thurday he’s probably hitting the fast food joints. I peter out as the week rolls on.

    I just commented on your last post as well, so you’ll find my consolation and not my so consoling words there as well.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m much better about early in the week lunch packing too. That’s funny.

      p.s. I was actually very consoled by your words on my last post. You guys continue to blow me away with the generosity of your spirits.


  21. I don’t always have clean hair on Mondays. I’m lucky to have a clean coffee cup for the massive amounts of caffeine I require on that day. ๐Ÿ™‚ Great list.


  22. Oh, shoot, you used the squirrel picture. I saw that on WANA Commons yesterday and thought, “I’ve got to come up with a blog post where I can use that.” Your mind is quicker than mine is on a Monday, that’s for sure, Jenny. I teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while my husband usually teaches every morning. So I actually like Mondays because I’m still ‘off from work’ (although I’m writing, promoting, tweeting, blog reading, etc.) and I have the house to myself. Ahhh! Alone time!


  23. charitykountz says:

    Mondays should be declared a national holiday…


  24. Hi, Jenny. Running around Cali? Ugh! It’s too hot here. Well, I suppose this week is cooler than last. Not by much, but it’s there. Hopefully your travels take you near the coast. Being near Fresno, I highly advise against coming near the central valley. Ugh!
    Mondays? My day job has me up at 3am, so no, Mondays are the worst. And yes, lots of coffee.



  25. Jess Witkins says:

    I think you might be on to something here. But then again I work in retail…what are weekends? They sound nice! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  26. Pingback: Some. Facts about Monday morning to cheer us all up | I Hate Working In Retail

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