#ROW80 Check-in: 3 Things On My Writing Mind Today

I rarely do the mid-week check-ins because there is such a flurry of work during this part of the week. However, I have three things on my mind today that I’m fired up about.

  1. I’m getting back into my memoir – WOOT!
  2. I cannot believe a censorship bill has made it into the United States’ Senate – Writers MUST fight censorship every chance we get. Never heard of House Bill 3261 or H.R. 3261 (commonly known as SOPA)? Click here.
  3. Margie Lawson will be here at More Cowbell tomorrow! Her post is called “Put Your Reader in Your POV Character’s Skin” and I can’t wait!

I’m getting back into the swing – today I’m getting in 2 writing sprints if it kills me. Wish me luck! Or better yet, JOIN ME at the #ROW80 hashtag. 🙂

How are your goals going, here at this midpoint in the week? To cheer on your other ROW80 teammates, click here.

See you tomorrow!

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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16 Responses to #ROW80 Check-in: 3 Things On My Writing Mind Today

  1. Yeah for your memoir! Slow start to my week, but I have stuff scheduled so it gets done later/weekend.

    Re: censorship, yeah scary what the lawmakers craft up in their bunkers. Follow the trail and see some deep pockets that would benefit on the backend. Okay, now I’m sounding all conspiracy like.


  2. Marcia says:

    Good for you getting back the the memoir! Good luck with it. I look forward to seeing Margie tomorrow! Getting back into the swing sure feels good, doesn’t it? 🙂


  3. tomwisk says:

    Writing a memoir. You must have had a exceptional family. Mine is so-so, and there are still some of them around. My ROW80 piece got lost and I have to start over. Tried to save it on disc AND flashdrive but I messed up. I’ve become less techie as the time passes. This time it goes directly to flashdrive. And I got to get TL (trusty laptop) back from the shop and relegate this glacial thing back to on-deck status.


    • Jenny Hansen says:


      It is HEARTBREAKING to lose your writing. I’m so sorry. Are you sure it isn’t recoverable?? A good trick for laptop transfer is to just email it to yourself. That’s always my trick when I’m having computer issues.

      While I DO have an exceptional family 🙂 this memoir is about my pregnancy, which was off the charts with risk and worry.


  4. Yay Jenny! I called my representatives about SOPA! So fired up right along with you. I may not agree with all that’s out there in cyberspace, but I don’t believe in censorship in any form. I will definitely be back tomorrow for Margie’s post. WOOT! WOOT! Let’s sprint to Friday. 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I can sprint every day that remains in the week (at certain times of day). Twitter is one of the fastest ways to get hold of me because it delivers to my phone. 🙂


  5. Ali Dent says:

    Your memoir on difficult pregnancy will help and encourage many others. I’m glad your back at it.


  6. You are such a great example Jenny! No wonder you’re a sponsor. What is a writing sprint on Row80? How do you do that? And while I’m at it, my week has been sucked into the vortex of hospitals, doctors and taking care of my Hubby. So nothing is happening with my goals this week except I have visited and commented on several blog when I’ve had the chance. Well, it’s something. Take care. Write on! 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      A writing sprint is where a bunch of writers gather on Twitter at a hashtag and lower the flag with a “GO! Meet back in “X” number of minutes with your word total.” Then everyone goes and writes and checks in with their total – i.e. 540, 900, 608 or whatever they got up to during the sprint.

      Not only is it fun, it forces you to just write and see what comes out. I find it very productive.

      After you’re out the other side of all this hard stuff is soon enough for you to start sprinting. Take care of you, Karen!!


  7. Tia Bach says:

    I love writing sprints… is there a specific time at #ROW80? It’ll be interesting to see where the censorship bill goes. Great seeing you mid-week. 😉


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m thinking I’m going to do it for sure at about 1:15 pm PST. I might be able to crank one out at about 7 am PST, but we’ll see how I do on getting up. I’m tired today!


  8. Julie Glover says:

    Once again, I had grand plans for joining a word sprint, but alas, it was not to be. I’m experiencing for myself one of those “What Will Get in the Way” issues. But I shall not surrender! I stayed up late last night to finish my goals.

    Congrats on getting back to the memoir! Have a great writing week, Jenny!


  9. showard76 says:

    Great work for your mid week check-in, some things you just need to share! 😀 I’m following the SOPA issue here in the UK as if it gets through it will be us fighting it next (or rather if it gets through we won’t get a choice here!) actually, I think I would kill the internet if it got through – I don’t think they realise how huge the repercussions of such censorship would be! scary stuff!


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