Squirrel Underpants and Other Useful Links

Because the More Cowbell Universe loves me, one of my readers sent me a link to Squirrel Underpants. They’re too small for me, but I thought they might give you some wild weekend chitter-chatter.


Endorsed by SmallAnimalDecency.com, these babies are a wild value at only $6.50.

If you have more questions about ’em, here’s the link to Frequently Asked Questions. My favorite?

Why should I care about naked squirrels?

Naked squirrels are contributing to the moral decay of our world! They flaunt their nudity and run around like tiny furry streakers. These underpants are a perfect, simple solution to a big, complicated problem.

Do  your part for the environment and get some streaking squirrel a pair of underpants! I’ve got a ninja in the back yard that could totally use these suckers.

On another note, I promised to keep giving y’all links to my eHow articles in case any of the topics are useful:

I tell you, my life is downright scintillating…dead people, dating and used cars.

Have you seen squirrel undies before now? Ever seen a “live pair?” Enquiring minds LOVE to know these things here at More Cowbell!

~ Jenny

p.s. This is the 700th post here at More Cowbell. That’s simply amazing to me, and it is so fitting to have “Underpants” in the title! Thank y’all for making it so fun here. 🙂

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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9 Responses to Squirrel Underpants and Other Useful Links

  1. I really think you are underwear obsessed! I’d like to take a peek into your panty drawer one day and see what’s in there! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Phil, I promise you my panty drawer is very boring and filled with cotton. 🙂 Perhaps I’m obsessed because I donated all my ultra-coolness single girl drawer contents to a women’s shelter several years ago. Although I do have an entire box of g-strings…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. amyskennedy says:

    Thank you Jenny, I love this

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kelly Byrne says:

    Hilarious, as usual. ‘Jenny Hansen, ladies and gents, Queen of the Underpants on the Internets.’ 😉 I have to say, this is my first introduction to Squirrel undies. Thank you, Jenny. Thank. You.

    Congrats on your 700th post. Man, that’s a lotta posts. Good onya. You make it fun.

    Happy weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. yvettecarol says:

    Well done on 700 posts, Jenny. That’s awesome! As for the squirrel underpants, what about dogs, cats, and fish underpants? Why do they miss out on all the fun?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Congrats on the 700th post! Love that it’s an Undie Chronicle. So apparently the natural fur coat a squirrel has is not considered decent enough by some factions? Do they know how difficult they’re making it for the squirrel to fulfill their natural inclinations of getting their freak on up against utility and light poles? I know if I were a squirrel I wouldn’t be very grateful to someone for interfering with my sex life….

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Monday Mashup: The Pee Your Pants Edition | Jess Witkins' Happiness Project

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