E is for Ecstacy in Exercise: A New Way To Achieve the Big O?

So the other day, Hubby sends me this article from this month’s Crossfit Journal called, From Crunches to Climax by Emily Beers. To get the whole article (with pictures), click here.

It talks about crunches and other abdominal workouts leading to exercise-induced orgasm (EIO). And I just started laughing.

Not once, as I’ve dragged my a$$ around the Crossfit gym, have I experienced the Big O. I’m feeling a bit gyped, if you want to know the truth.

Oh sure, I’ve gotten stronger in the last six months ago but DANG. These other gals are getting stronger “everything,” including orgasms.

Then I read further and found out that although you can do the crunches, and even the L-Sit near the ground, the rope climb is the other big bringer-on-er of the Big “E-I-O.”

*gulp* Rope climb??

I’m afraid of heights. As in wanting to bungee-cord myself to the inside of a high-up hotel room before poking my foot out the balcony door. The idea of climbing 30 feet for an exercise-induced orgasm seems a bit idiotic.

Here’s a video of the rope climb, just so you can see it (at about 3.5 mins, he gets to the method they taught us):

I know, I know…those other gals’ motives are pure. They’re climbing that rope to get STRONG. [*snort*] But I ask you, if you were halfway up that rope and tired and thought there might be a snazzy little orgasm waiting for you at the top, what would you do?

Me? I’d go home and grab the hubby or the battery-operated-boyfriend like a normal person. But these Crossfitters get a bit crazy.

Have you ever experienced an exercise-induced orgasm? Did you laugh as hard as I did over the thought of it? Have you ever tried Crossfit (and are you more likely to after reading this post)? Enquiring minds always want to know these things here at More Cowbell!


REMINDER: I’ll be choosing a lucky commenter tomorrow to be the recipient of the very cool bumper sticker I mentioned on Wednesday. (I promise it will be spelled correctly when you get it.) 😀

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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34 Responses to E is for Ecstacy in Exercise: A New Way To Achieve the Big O?

  1. Hmm. I’m sure it happens because there are a lot of articles about exercises that will bring one on. Unfortunately I’ve never had the pleasure. It’s probably just as well though. If I ever find one (or more) that works, why would I ever want to stop exercising? I can see it now. Mountains of laundry piling up, throwing packages of crackers and cheese at the kids for supper, volunteering for games at the reunion…

    Okay, so screw the exercise induced orgasms. It would definitely be a nice ‘side effect,’ but I think I would I’d rather have an exercise partner. Preferably someone like RDJ, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth… Okay. I need to get some sleep now. 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      EXACTLY what I was thinking when I first read the post, Kristy! Do all your exercising at home, have hot abs, and be really relaxed all the time. That’s the only way I could see this working….if I had a full-time maid and a ghostwriter. 🙂


  2. I’m chortling and aghast, all at once, because… Rope burn! Gah!

    This reminds me of the Ally McBeal episode where several of the women at her office were going to a chiropractor who had a very special adjustment chair. It vibrated. They all needed a lot of adjustments. 😉


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      OMG!! I didn’t see that Ally McBeal but I can imagine how freaking hilarious it would be. SUCH a creative show!

      And yes, I worry about the rope burn almost as much as I worry about the heights in terms of the rope climb.


  3. laramcgill says:

    Wow, I must’ve been holed up in a barn somewhere – I’ve never heard of it. But now, it could just be the motivation I need to get my a$$ back to the gym (I typed “guy” first, there). No, my Freudian slip isn’t showing…


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’d never heard of it either, Lara! (LOL on the “guy” slip.)

      And whatever gets us back to the gym, I say embrace it. But do your crunches facing a wall without a mirror. 🙂


  4. You may not be getting the big O from working out, but I see you have a double E today! LOL on having an orgasm while working out. And at the top of a rope? I’d be so scared I’d fall off! Okay, let’s face it, I’m with you. I’m not climbing the d@#n rope in the first place! Abs, well I can see that, and maybe someone needs to dangle that bait in front of my face to get me to the abs mat in the first place. But hanging from a rope? Not!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      ROFL…yep, my rope climb currently consists of me sitting on the floor and pulling myself upright. I haven’t told the coaches they’ll never get me more than 5 feet from said floor.


  5. K.B. Owen says:

    LOL, Jenny! I’ve heard of that, but have never “been” there. Can you imagine? Now I wonder at some of the weird faces I’ve seen from gals on those stair masters…

    Time for a walk! 😉


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      You’re so well read, Kathy! I’d never even heard of it. And no, I can’t imagine, because I’m too busy trying to breathe. To add an orgasm to that would take too much air. I’m just sayin…

      Be sure to do some crunches on that walk! 🙂


  6. Jess Witkins says:

    Exercise induced orgasm? I must be doing the wrong kind of exercises. I think I’m more susceptible to ones brought on by red wine and good food. You know the Meg Ryan orgasm…YES YES YES oh god! yah yes mmmm LOL


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      *clutches sides laughing* Love the Meg Ryan ad lib!

      I prefer the ones brought on my red wine and good food too. But alas, I let myself get so far out of shape that the getting back in is taking precedence these days. That’s the only part of my 40’s I don’t like.


  7. Sherry Isaac says:

    Would you believe it, I joined CrossFit on Monday. Not climbing any ropes yet, but I shall undertake this particular challenge, if only for the sake of research. KA-SNORT!


  8. susielindau says:

    Man! I better get to the gym! ***snort*** is right! 🙂


  9. ha ha ha.. I found this out the hard (easy?) way… omg.. embarrassing, yet.. was feeling very relaxed after the fact!! Great post!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Stop it! You had one?? Wowzers. And without the benefit of expecting it. That had to be more than a bit embarrassing… But I feel like I should give you a high five, Darlene. 😀


  10. jtailele says:

    My son owns Pikes Peak Crossfit in Colorado Springs. I get tired just watching him. He and his wife can bench press his kids (my poor grandchildren) over their heads in a squat. I am doing good to just squat , and I’ve never them say they get the big O working out. Perhaps some things are best not told to your mother.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      ROFL…I think you’re right. Especially for a boy telling his mama.

      Yikes! I know my husband and I could squat with our daughter overhead (she’s only 30 pounds), but I’d be worried to death she’d squirm away and hit the floor. 🙂


  11. My husband sent me the same link earlier this week, too. Needless to say, I was laughing so hard that I didn’t need to do crunches to work my abs. Laughing for quite a bit will do the trick for you. LOL! I’m with you Jenny. I’d rather run home and grab the hubs or the bedroom toy instead of doing a rope climb. 😉

    I’ve never tried Crossfit, but between this post and that article I’m starting to wonder what the buzz is about. I’ve done P90X–and have wanted to smack that trainer around a bit (good thing he’s on TV)–but Crossfit looks as though it’s more challenging than Tony Horton’s workouts. Maybe this will be the motivation I need to get my butt back into working out again??? 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I actually am growing to like Crossfit (a little) because the workout is never the same. But it’s still tough to be the suckiest person in the gym. The great part is that everyone is working so hard on their own stuff, they’re not really noticing sucky old me. 🙂


  12. I’ve been reading about exercise-induced O’s — ya know, research. I’ve come close… 😉


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Well then you’re several steps ahead of me on this one. I think the key is to clench your girl parts at the same time as you crunch everything else. (And if you can manage that kind of concentration while doing Crossfit, my hat is off to you. 🙂 )


  13. All I could think of as I read on was a woman with a wide grin, singing “E-I, E-I, O-o-o-o-“!


  14. Tia Bach says:

    Hilarious! And I must admit, I would be the fittest woman ever if exercise felt THAT good. 😉


  15. Cory Imhof says:

    Lol!! Yes, yes and yes… If you know what I mean 😉


  16. Yikes! The only exercising I do these days is running the treadmill. My concentration is specifically to keep from falling off. I’d hate to have to explain an orgasm-induced injury around the water-cooler. “So, James, just how did you get hurt on your treadmill?” Um, er…



  17. filbio says:

    If I started having orgasms while working out I would never be able to get anything done! Plus, I would need to keep changing my shorts!


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