Digital Sheep Get Slaughtered–Being Safe On Social Media

Ever wondered how to REALLY be safe on social media? Kristen Lamb’s post today is a must-read on the topic.

Go forth and learn some great tips on keeping virus and malware free…. ~Jenny

Kristen Lamb's Blog

We live in a wonderful world, an amazing time with infinite possibilities. Writers have more power than ever before in the whole of human history. Many of us are explorers in a New World, charting unknown territories in a realm with no boundaries. This is part of how we are able to offer you the writing conference of the future, WANACon (learn more HERE).

Every new territory comes with the splendors never seen, the resources never tapped, the powers never before harnessed. Yet with new opportunities come new predators eager to take advantage of the naive.

I can’t explain why there are those in this world who will hurt people they’ve never met or steal with no concern to what devastation they might create. But, these crooks are there, they are a real threat, and I’m here today to help you guard against attacks.

Hey, I may be a…

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About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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7 Responses to Digital Sheep Get Slaughtered–Being Safe On Social Media

  1. Hi Jenny! Funny and informative as usual. Thankfully most of it is common sense and I already knew, but I realize not everyone has the same knowledge base (or has been working in the electronic world for over a decade…gosh, am I really that old?). There is only one thing on your list that I don’t think I can follow. I am totally addicted to SongPOP & Family Feud! 😦


  2. Who’s saying bad stuff about me? Most of it’s probably true.

    I’m going to go Google myself right now. That sounds kind of kinky.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt


  3. Whew! Between you and Kristen I thought I was seeing double in my inbox today. I am not losing my mind. If I say it three times will that make it true? LOL! 🙂


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