#ROW80 Check-in: Let’s Bust Some A$$

I’ve been doing the A-Z Blog Challenge this month, which means a blog every Monday  through Saturday NO MATTER WHAT.

This has been a heavy challenge for me and one I did to see what this sort of deadline felt like. I have been ready to commit Hari Kari every week since the letter “D.” Posting every day is just simply not my thang.

However, we’re writers. And writers aren’t sissies. We’re RUGGED. And we support each other. (Click here to support your ROWBros and Sisters.)

When we take on a challenge like ROW80 or NaNoWriMo or the #AtoZchallenge, we bust ass until we figure it out. If your ROW80 progress has been feeling a bit stagnant, it’s time to bust ass. There is more than a month left and my money’s on you (and me).

May is going to be amazing, I can tell. Who cares about April? April’s practically over. And April showers bring May flowers. 🙂

So, whether you’ve been lost in illness, family issues, ailing pets or the A-Z Challenge, May is your chance to turn over a new leaf and burst into some writerly bloom!!

I will if you will.


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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37 Responses to #ROW80 Check-in: Let’s Bust Some A$$

  1. showard76 says:

    Good luck busting May’s ass. I didn’t get into the A-Z challenge, April was a tough month anyway – hoping May will be better!


  2. bellesapepper37 says:

    Love the “April showers bring May flowers” part. I am looking forward to May, then #JuNoWriMo.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Ahhh yes, #JuNoWriMo is looming. I’m still on the fence about it, but I can already tell I want to succumb. My “join the writer fun” muscle is twitching like crazy.


  3. Reetta Raitanen says:

    Go you! You made it through A-Z challenge. May will feel like a breeze after that. You can focus on other goals more now.


  4. Congrats on completing the AtoZ Challenge! Yay! May is going to rock! It’s my blogoversary. Or is it blogiversary. I’ve seen it both ways. Anyhoo, I have tons of great stuff to share! I’m pumped as I enter year 3 in Blogland. Good goals!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Congratulations, Renee!!! And is the bar mitzvah behind you? I sure hope so, because THREE years deserves to be celebrated day and night, all month long. 🙂


  5. Roni Loren says:

    I hear you on the A to Z challenge, lol. And I did it a month where I had a freaking book due to my editor and a week long conference. What was I thinking again? I made it through but only because I re-ran a few older posts while I was at the conference. I’m looking forward to getting back to my normal schedule. But congrats on making it through!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Right back at you, Roni!! And I’m with you on “what was I thinking??”

      Oh, I know. That Roni is doing it…doesn’t that sound like fun? The whole Triberr thing worked out well, let me try this one too… (GACK!) 🙂


      • Roni Loren says:

        Lol, I can be a bad influence sometimes. 🙂 But did it raise your visitor numbers? It gave me a good boost, so it probably was worth it to meet some new bloggers and such.


  6. S. J. Maylee says:

    I’m ready to bust ass and take some names in May! I hope you are are able to keep the spirit of the A-Z alive. I’m curious to read about what you do with that time/energy.


  7. I didn’t even DO the A to Z Challenge and April kicked my butt, LOL. Definitely need to find the mojo again. Congrats on reaching the end of the challenge Jenny, you rocked it 🙂


  8. Gene Lempp says:

    Hey Jen…you always (always, always) kick a$$! You WILL have a great week (yep, it’s an order *grin*).


  9. Amber West says:

    I’ve been tempted to do one of these 30-day type challenges (photo of the day, A to Z) but with the posts I’m committed to I’d actually have to double post some days.

    It is fun to watch when everyone else is doing it, thought. I might be tempted to try it anyway 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      If you do as photos, I’d say “Go for it.” To have to actually write the posts hurts, but it was great practice for me to see what I could do and how it felt, which is what the exercise was for. But now I’m in need of some rest. 🙂


  10. Julia Indigo says:

    I’m so glad I didn’t do the A-to-Z challenge. My life was chewing me up and spitting me out as it was! But I’m so proud of you guys who did.
    Junowrimo? We’ll see. It’s better timing for me than nano.

    Yep, in May we’ll be kicking @$$, taking names, and gettin’ down with it!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Thanks, Julia! You’re a sweetheart. And I agree on June being a WAY better month for me than November. I love NaNoWriMo, but I’ve never won. There’s just TOO much going on that month.


      • Julia Indigo says:

        It was insane of me to commit to that, but I actually won. I had a goal: win, so I could get Scrivener for 50% off. 🙂

        On second thought, I’m probably going to be moving house in June, so I’ll be cheering my JuNoWriMo tweeps on from the sidelines.


  11. Woo, I give you kudos for getting the A to Z challenge done, Jenny. I know blogging every day is not for me and won’t even attempt it. I’d have a month of not writing on my WIP and get all off-track then need an intervention. Heh. Let’s move on into May and rock the writing.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Of the two of us, Barbara, I’d say you’re better at seeing yourself clearly. I jumped into it thinking “it would be fun.” Yeah. Not so much.

      Valuable? Yes. Met wonderful people? Absolutely. Fun?? Um, no.


  12. Juliana Haygert says:

    Speaking of April being over … what’s up with that? Time is flying!
    Oh, with the moving and all, April was a mess. I’m with you. Let’s make May a great month!


  13. Jody Moller says:

    looking forward to busting May’s A$$ with you Jenny 🙂


  14. Eden says:

    I hear that Cow Bell ringing–oh, boy. Twisting and twisting…. Do I do that A to Z thing? Do I wait (as if things will ever get easier) until the end of this ROWnd?

    It’s interesting to read you saying that you don’t find daily posts working for you, Jenny; though I guess U can see that since you are also maintaining posts on WITS as well. Whatever the stress had been…. you really a$$ with the best of them this month. Kudos!

    (And yes, you should definitely do #JuNoWriMo. You’ll be glad you did.)


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Thanks, Eden! That’s one vote in the “Go JuNo!” camp. (I’m keeping a talley.) I am also just scant days away from handing over the blog mistressing at Writers In The Storm to the next person up to bat. That will free me up a bit. 🙂


  15. Julie Glover says:

    I’m on the fence for JuNoWriMo too. But May is SO FULL, I don’t know if I’m ready to commit yet. I am going to be busting my, um, derriere this next month. 😉 You’ll have your fellow writing buddies to keep you on track and fired up to write in May. Best wishes, Jenny!


  16. Karen McFarland says:

    April flowers, bring May flowers! Aw Jenny, you touched my heart. Well actually you made me cry. I needed this encouragement. I feel like my boat hasn’t been going anywhere because I haven’t had the strength to Row. But you’re right. Forget about April and focus on a bright new month! And you my dear are going to DFW in a couple of weeks! How awesome is that? I’m so excited for you! Thanks for stopping by to see me. I found ya! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a great week! 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m glad, Karen. It’s hard to lose a whole month to illness. That happened to me last November and it SUCKED. It’s hard on the psyche too. I say sweep April away and embrace May. I think you’re going to like my post tomorrow. 🙂


  17. Umm yeah, I’m hoping May is the month for me. April was too long of a break month. Miss ya’ll.


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