L is for Life List Club + It’s PIMP or PROMOTE at More Cowbell Today! #AtoZchallenge

Friday is always about love here at More Cowbell. Whatever form that takes…

THIS Friday it’s about love and appreciation from me to you! How am I doing this?

  1. I’m helping YOU spread some grooviness around the blog-o-sphere (see details below).
  2. I’m guest posting over at the Life List Club blog on the amazing productivity that comes from baby stepsThis is my last post with LLC and I hope you’ll pop over and say hi. (I’m a little verklempt about giving up my Life List Club posts.)

Back here at the More Cowbell “Ranch,” I’m taking a page out of Chuck Wendig’s book once again and throwing open the doors of the comments section for one of the following:

  • Tell us about one of your projects that you’re excited about – a hobby, a blog, a book, a new direction your writing is taking you. You decide. Just tell us all about it in the comments! The rest of us will jump in and “ooooh and coo” at you, and potentially offer you tons of unsolicited advice about how to promote your project further.
    Note: Try not to lose your head over this in the length department – I don’t want to have to edit your glory.
  • Pimp out somebody else’s work – this can be a favorite author, blogger, post or book you’ve read, a wonderful teacher or just someone who had profound influence on you as a writer or a person. The rest of us will jump in and “ooooh and coo” over this too.

I know, I know…you’re a well-mannered bunch (*snort*) that restrains yourselves from shameless self-promotion or pimpage on somebody else’s blog. But today you’re invited…and not just because I’ve been getting my backside kicked by life all week. I want to hear about what’s exciting in your life today. :-)

To start this fiesta off right, I’m going to:

PIMP: Janice Hardy’s amazing writing blog, The Other Side of the Story.
PROMOTE: Janice’s rockstar guest post at Writers In The Storm today, 5 Ways To Bring Your Descriptions to Life.

Enjoy. Be sure to read through the comments to find something new. :-)

All right, it’s your turn. Rev those engines…Let’s see your best pimp or promote!! (Or as Master Wendig would say, “You. Comments. Go!”)

Happy Friday!

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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50 Responses to L is for Life List Club + It’s PIMP or PROMOTE at More Cowbell Today! #AtoZchallenge

  1. Juliana Haygert says:

    Oh, I love Janice’s blog and the guest posts she does elsewhere 😉
    Nice idea, Jenny. Supporting and promoting other writers is one of the reasons I love our awesome and huge writing community!
    Happy Friday!


  2. Julie Glover says:

    I’ll shoot out here first and say that a helpful post I read recently was from agent Lauren Ruth about Author Business Cards: http://slushpiletales.wordpress.com/2012/04/06/author-business-cards/. For those of us preparing to attend a writers’ conference this year, it’s worth finding out what kind of information agents want to see on our cards. She also has a follow-up post today with a little more information as well.


  3. Stacy Green says:

    Great idea as always, Jenny. I’ll pimp my blog post yesterday: Thriller Thursday, Personal Tragedy.

    Thriller Thursday: Personal Tragedy

    Promoting: Laura Pauling’s debut YA spy novel is live on Amazon and B&N. I’ve read the ARC, and it’s very good. A fast, engaging read and well written. Definitely check it out!


  4. Ellen says:

    What a great opportunity! I want to pimp two of my favorite bloggers:
    Bella @ One Sister’s Rant: http://gypsyroxylee.wordpress.com/
    Kim @ My Inner Chick: http://www.myinnerchick.com

    As for me, I’m in my usual I’ll-do-everything-at-once, multitasker extraordinaire, ooh-look-at-the-shiny-things fashion, I have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR WIPs. Someone stop the madness! I need to focus on finishing one. 🙂


  5. Sherry Isaac says:

    I need to pimp today:

    Joan Swan’s guest post at Romance & Beyond. ‘My Favorite Turning Point’ http://bit.ly/IxwGec

    Joan will reward one random commenter with a print copy of FEVER. Now that is worth tuning in for!


  6. Amber West says:

    Okay, I promised that I would pimp and promote today, so here I am.

    First, my very dear friend and former roomie Lori wrote a great post about all the media’s criticism of Ashley Judd’s puffy face. It hit close to home for her, and well, just give it a read. I am proud to say that everyone’s retweeting of her post caught Ashley’s attention and she quoted Lori’s post on Twitter! http://girlparker.com/2012/04/11/worth-doesnt-equal-a-size-4/

    Now, a little self-promotion…I started a fiction series on my blog, for a large number of reasons, that gets the readers involved. At the end of each part, the readers get to answer a question that will determine how the story evolves. It is turning out to be WAY more fun than I expected. I’d love everyone to come over and chime in. If you are already reading, Part IV went up yesterday. If you are new to the series, start here: http://wosushi.wordpress.com/2012/03/19/tell-me-a-story/

    Now, off to check out your other post, Jenny! Thanks for looking out for all of us. 😉


    • Amber West says:

      PS – Still no word from the bride. Thought that might make you laugh. In horror.


      • Jenny Hansen says:


        She wants you to get babysitting tomorrow (for some unknown time) and just show up (to some unknown place) to start taking pictures??! I’d go to her house tonight, or at least call the church to get a time. She is ridiculous.

        Are you sure she really wants to get married?


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Fabulous pimp and promote, Amber!! I’ve been really enjoying my time on the sidelines with your fiction series.

      And p.s. I think Ashley Judd is one of the most beautiful women in the world and wish people would get off her already.


  7. Awesome post! My novel will be going out to publishers for consideration soon (all digit crossing appreciated ;)) and I’m stoked about 2 new WIPs.

    I’d love to pimp out my pal Kourtney Heinz’s Amazon Breaththrough Novel contest excerpt. I’d buy the book without having any knowledge of Kourtney, so I really hope she wins! 😉 The description starts, “How far would you go to save your suicidal telepathic wife?” I’m telling you, fascinating.

    To download the free excerpt and rate it, if you wish, visit her blog: http://kourtneyheintz.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/my-excerpt-from-the-amazon-breakthrough-novel-award-contest/


  8. Emma says:

    Thanks for this Jenny.
    I’ve read Lauralynn Elliott’s http://lauralynnelliott.com/ Vampires’ Curse series lately and just posted a review on my blog http://emmameade.com/2012/04/13/book-review-books-1-2-in-the-vampires-curse-series-by-lauralynn-elliott/


  9. amyshojai says:

    Love the concept–I need to start doing this (copy-cough/cough-copy).

    Okay, the promote part–working on edits of the nonfiction title COMPETABILITY: Solving Behavior Problems In Your Multi-Cat Household, and the companion book (dog-dog behavior problems) and to that end, posted an important caution this week about hugging your dog:

    For the pimpage, check out my friend Carol Shenold’s mystery, just brought back to life with a new cover and new publisher, PRIVY TO MURDER (yes, a ghost in an outhouse!):


  10. emaginette says:

    I hope I’m doing this write because I do need to vent and get some help. Blog before last I announced I was submitting for the second time in my life. It flopped so bad. They didn’t even get it.

    Chrome let me down, and didn’t even give me an error message, so I thought all was well until today.

    I have 9,500 words of romantic fantasy without a home and I don’t know what to do with them. Anyone that can suggest other places to submit will be hugged from afar.

    It’s Friday the 13th alright!


  11. I’m loving this concept, Jenny. My problem is that I know so many wonderful bloggers and authors that I can’t pick only a few to promote. But then you mentioned A Round of Words in one of your replies, and the light went off. I’d like to promote all the ROW80 community, because they are among the most generous, supportive and just nice folks I’ve had the pleasure to meet. So follow Jenny’s link and hang out at #ROW80 on Twitter and see what a great group it is. 🙂

    As for pimping myself, goodness, I had no idea how hard it would be to say something here about my work. Oh, crap, now I’ve written parts of seven or eight sentences here, and erased them all. I did post a series on the history of profanity which was received well; as for my fiction, I’m playing with several story lines right now, and flit among them all. *phew* that was hard!


  12. what fun. After a day of Romantic times conventioneering, I can’t even think straight. But here goes:

    My first book, Family ties is available on amazon at http://amzn.to/HEyjRU. I’ve definitely drank too much because I can’t load the image nor an active URL. sighhhh…back to the bar

    and I’d love to pimp http://www.banditcreekbooks.com this is a consortium of writers from my RWA chapter who have come together to write 32 novellas, with one being released on the first and fifteenth of each month. there’s a town newspaper that comes out monthly. All books are set in the mythical town of Bandit Creek Montana. Books are of every genre and time setting. it is an incredible idea and an amazing process to participate in.

    Jenny, have a great weekend.


    • Congrats, Louise! Can’t wait to buy and read Family Ties. If it’s anything like your blog, I love it already.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Louise, you’re at RT!!! Awesomeness. I hope you’re waving to both your peeps and mine. And that you read our agent posts and are finding the agents that you want.

      That Bandit Creek Books sounds fabulous. I’ll have to send some of my writing peeps over to check it out!


  13. PIMP: Annie, Emma and Ked’s May Monster Madness blog hop

    PROMOTE: My blog Precious Monsters

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!!!


  14. Jenny, this is always so much fine and a fab chance to discover new blogs.
    Our friend Amber West is always so generous about supporting others. There are many of her blogs that could be pimped here but I’m loving sharing this one.


    Amber West’s hilarious post that reminds us we can all be awesome and that there is never a day when someone somewhere doesn’t understand us. Even it’s our couch!


  15. Pingback: 100th Post Pimp and Promote Party « August McLaughlin's Blog

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