E is for Embarrassing Blonde Moment

Photo from Elfpack.com

Do you ever have those? I do. All the time. Most of my friends do too, be they blonde, redhead or brunette.

This morning it was putting out an unfinished post because I was headache-y yesterday. But most days, my blondeness runs the gamut from, “OMG, did I say that out loud?” to finding my keys in jacket pockets, my bed, the pantry or the refrigerator.

It reminds me of my favorite Blondestar commercial:

Isn’t that the BEST last line?

Blondestar. We’re always on, because you’re always blonde.

Do YOU have “blonde moments?” (Hint: if you’re a writer, I’ll bet you do.) Enquiring minds love  to know these things here at More Cowbell!


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm (http://writersinthestormblog.com). Write on!
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48 Responses to E is for Embarrassing Blonde Moment

  1. CC MacKenzie says:

    Okay, I’m crying here! No way would that air in the UK, there’d be WAR! ROFL!


  2. chihuahua0 says:

    Once or two, when I’m scheduling a post for the next day, I instead end up retroactively posting it several hours early. Blogger is bad at catching such time-wonky mistakes.


  3. No way! This can’t be real (the Blondestar commercial). I love when he says, “the shiny thing” (the handle). Priceless.

    Yes, I get blonde moments sometimes but, thank God, not too often 🙂 But those that I actually remember are too embarrassing to mention, haha.


  4. Karen McFarland says:

    Ooh, so sorry for the headache Jenny. That would explain that crazy blank email post. 🙂
    I live in one perpetual blonde moment! I’ve been blonde all my life! LOL! So I get it!


    • CC MacKenzie says:

      I had one last night when I posted on Karen’s blog twice because I thought the first one hadn’t gone.

      Once I was asleep in the car, woke up and gave my DH toll money for a bridge and he looked at me and said “Darling, we’re on the right side of the river.” So there you go!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Headache is better! I started writing the post and apparently scheduled it and FORGOT about finishing it. Never in my More Cowbell history have I done that. Oy.

      And yes, I’ve been blonde all my life too. 🙂


  5. donnagalanti says:

    Hysterical! I’m not blonde but have those moments just the same! Glad to be doing A to Z with you!


  6. What? How? ME???
    ….what was the question again?
    I want to know how the whole blonde thing started. I mean, why isn’t it, “OMG you are such a redhead!” or, “Silly girl, could your hair BE any more black?!”
    Seriously…what is the origin of “dumb blonde” I would love to know.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Oh, I never said anything about dumb…just forgetful. I think blonde jokes were created about brunettes that bleach their hair. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it…


  7. Sharla Rae says:

    Too funny! I’m blond too. I think most women have blonde moments because we are always double tasking to the point we sometimes don’t know which end is up. Men — not so much. They can focus on only one task at a time. In a way, there’s some comfort in that. 🙂 We may have some blonde moments but we can still run rings around the guys.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Excellent point!

      Did you see that comment on Writers in the Storm’s male POV post where she said her husband and son have to sit down and FOCUS when they’re on the phone?? Can you imagine? Who has time to stop?!


  8. K.B. Owen says:

    I’ve never been follicly (is that a word?) blonde, but I’ve sure had blonde moments…I’m having one now, cause I can’t remember any of them, LOL.

    Fun post, Jenny! 🙂


  9. Kelly L Lee says:

    “The shiny thing, maam…” That is damn funny! 🙂


  10. tomwisk says:

    LMAO. Have one blonde moment. It happened at age two when my well-meaning mother brought me to have my picture taken, dressed in a Scottie-dog motif top and shorts and crowned with a mop of blond curls. The picture was given to aunts, uncles and such. In my rebellious teen years sporting a Bob Dylanesque fleece jacket and shaggy hair the picture made the rounds of potential girlfriends, who I supposed wondered what happened to the blond tyke. And who was this brooding teen horndog plying them with bad poetry and long walks in the dark? Now when I have “blond moments” they’re called senior moments.


  11. Debra Kristi says:

    That is too funny. Thank you for sharing! Sorry you had a headache. I hope it is gone now.


  12. Susan Spann says:

    I like to tell people I was blonde as a child, and as my hair darkened the blonde just moved inside. My family sometimes finds me in the kitchen, literally turning in circles as I try to remember what I went in there for. I used to think it wasn’t something I did often, or noticeably, but then one day my (then 12 year-old) son stopped in the doorway and called over his shoulder, “Hey dad…she’s in here. She’s doing donuts in the kitchen again.”


    Pretty much says it all.


  13. I love this. Thanks for making me smile today.


  14. Emma says:

    I have blonde moments all the time. That audio clip cannot be real. Can it??


  15. Em says:

    I blame it on not letting my dark roots grow in. 🙂 (or the fumes)

    I hate to do this, but it is better to invite someone twice than to forget entirely. Have you followed me over yet. My new url is:


    The door is open, just walk on in. 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      The fumes! LOL.

      On your site, did you not get my comment??! Oh no…I told you how much I love your place. *fretting* I’ll go leave another one so you know. 🙂


  16. I love pulling my blonde card out as needed. 😉 I agree that hair color has little to do with the beloved moments, seeing as many (most?) blondes have another hair color naturally. Regardless, I say enjoy ’em. They are hilarious—in hindsight!


  17. I call it my duh cloud. 🙂 And lately I’ve been afraid that I’m going to accidentally hit publish while I’m editing a post–like getting caught in my underwear or something. Thanks for the laugh Jenny!


  18. Piper Bayard says:

    I LOVE that video. I’ve seen it before, but I laugh like the first time every time. I think one reason I find it so funny is because I once knew a woman who was “locked inside the car” and worried because I had the keys. She was a brunette. 🙂


  19. Crazy funny. Nope, I never get blonde moments. Ever. Uh-uh. Not me. Dang. Where are my keys? 😉


  20. Jane Sadek says:

    Calendars and clocks bring out the blonde in me. I show up for an event with the tickets in my hand, only to realize the tickets are for the next day. I go refrigerator shopping instead of to the matinee for which I had great seats. Friends call me from restaurants where I’m supposed to be meeting them and I’m deep into editing dialog on my WIP. The worst part is that 98.9% of the time I’m the one herding everyone, but just about the time they start to depend on me again – WHAM blonde!


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