ROW80 12/7/11: Have You Jumped On The Slacker Train?

It’s a rare thing that I check in twice in one week, particularly because Monday and Tuesday are inevitably looooooooooong work days. This week, I had to do a short update, just to say “THANKS!”

National Novelist Slack-Ass Month (NaNoSlackMo) has been heartily embraced by my tweeps and it has cheered me immensely. There is now a place for me and my similarly lagging pals to get our December sprints on and make up all that missed November wordcount.

If you are a NaNo Winner, I commend you for your 50K. You ROCK! If you’ve finished that big mushy-brained, post-NaNo nap, I invite you to jump on the Slacker Train as well.Β 

#NaNoSlackMoΒ is open to all, for some writing sprints, or just to say hi. Jokes and pictures of crazy underwear are always welcome too, either there or over at #pantypeeps.

I’m nearly caught up on my checking in and catching up for all the blogs and pals I like to hang with. There’s some fantastic posts revolving around the blogosphere this week. If you check in to see how the rest of Team ROW80 is doing this week, click back a post and see what all these crazy cats are up to. πŸ™‚

Happy Writing!

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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38 Responses to ROW80 12/7/11: Have You Jumped On The Slacker Train?

  1. Lena Corazon says:

    Loving the idea of NaNoSlackMo! Once I vanquish LeTheWriFort (Lena’s Thesis-Writing Fortnight), I will definitely be hopping aboard the train. I have way too many plot bunnies that refuse to leave me alone. πŸ˜€


  2. Angela says:

    All aboard. Wait for me, I’m waving madly. I’m hopping on that train. I’ve started a new short story/novelette this month. I can’t believe I’m doing it right before Christmas. I’ve only got three gifts bought. What am I thinking?


  3. I’ve been slacking so bad that I’m running to catch the slackers train. Please let me on Jenny. I will create a column with the slacker hastag asap and I’ll write. πŸ™‚ I think I need about 25,000 words to make my ROW80 goal too.


  4. Another one slacking over here! LOL
    Yay for NaNoSlackMo =)


  5. Gene Lempp says:

    *gets back to work*



  6. Too funny, Jenny! I don’t know about slacking…I just get to feeling so darned awful if I’m not dong something. But I did take a three-hour (uhh-huh..three) nap on Monday while my boys were at school. It was glorious…really. Sigh.

    Enjoy this month of family, food, holiday, or worship! We need a break sometimes to re-charge the creative battery! I need to get my Christmas baking done….I haven’t been too productive on that front. Ha!


  7. I’ve been slacker Queen this week! My MS is on the same page it was last week and the week before that. Yep, I’m geared for NaNoSlackMo. Not only am I on the train, I’m sleeping in a first class cabin!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Yes, but you are at least blogging, which means you are WRITING, not slacking. One thing I do when my manuscript is not enticing me is write a short story. Any chance that will help you?


  8. L.S. Engler says:

    I do love the idea of NaNoSlaMo, so very very much, that it makes me almost sad that, once December rolls around, I’m so ready to declare, “Okay, writing, I set the rules now!” that even referring to my WIP as “the NaNo piece” makes me shudder in remembrance. I really, really, really gotta find a title for that thing….

    Although….I’m still trying to do 500 words a day on the WIP still, and I do love the community and encouragement, so I’ll have to keep an eye on it and cheer you guys on, too!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      The NaNo piece…you’re so kind to yourself. I almost always refer to it as “my NaNo piece of $h*t.” (N-POS for short πŸ™‚ )

      Congrats on your 500/day! That’s 2,500 per week and 10K per month. WOOT!!


  9. I’m proud to call myself a slacker; I’ve done my 500 words everyday since I signed on–go, me! LOL


  10. amyshojai says:

    Somebody saaaaave me and teach me how to slack off. *whimper*


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Step away from the keyboard, Amy!! Pet the Magical Dawg, throw the frisbee, get some more coffee. THEN you can jam on it again. #NaNoSlackMo is about being kind to yourself during the holidays. πŸ™‚


  11. I am a notorious slacker so this is just for me! LOL!!!


  12. Julie Glover says:

    I need to remember to use that hashtag! I logged 2,656 words yesterday & feeling good. More butt-in-chair writing tomorrow. (Editing another WIP today.) Also trying to decide whether #pantypeeps deserves its own column in my HootSuite.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Julie, you are on a ROLL!! Those are great numbers and you should be feeling fantastic!! I’ll be BIC tomorrow when Baby Girl sleeps so if you stop back by here, let me know when you’re sprinting and I’ll try to join you.

      Of COURSE #pantypeeps deserves a column! Geesh.


  13. Seriously, there’s a hashtag? Or are you joking? Jenny you’re just funning me right?

    It seems like ever since I took the WANA class my WIP has gone by the wayside. I have been so focused on learning how to blog and don’t get me started on Twitter. Yikes!!!

    I feel retarded. I was so fat, dumb and happy writing my stories until I was slapped in the face with social media. Can I just go and hide in a cave!?!?!?


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Well, Karen, the answer is YES and YES. I am joking, and there is a hashtag. We’re having a good time with our irreverent slack-ass selves. Hop on the train to get that WIP back in shape. I’m sprinting late tonight and early tomorrow. Probably mid-day tomorrow during naptime too. πŸ™‚


  14. I’m so slacking right now…yarn, oh pretty, let’s make the beastie girl a sweater…Christmas movie? Oh, I can sit and watch while I knit…Computer? What’s that?



  15. Well all I needed was permission to out myself as a slacker. Sounds excellent. Especially since the library just called and two (T-W-O) books are waiting for me to come pick up. Read, read, read. (Shopping? Baking? Decorating? I’m a Christmas slacker too!)


  16. Stacy Green says:

    I’m jumping on #NaNoSlackMo tomorrow and every other chance I get. Love the idea of it for those of us who didn’t do NaNo and are trying to finish the year strong.



  17. NaNoSlackMo sounds right up my alley! All the ROWers who were NaNoing made me feel like maybe possibly some day ok probably never write some fiction of any length.


  18. Love the idea of #NaNoSlackMo. Sounds like just my thing lately. LOL


  19. Marcia says:

    I’m running to catch the train! Got it! *swinging from the strap* Somebody pull me in, pleeeaaasssse! I didn’t do NaNo but slacker is my name lately. No Christmas decorations up, no gifts ordered yet, only 1 batch of cookies baked, and only 700 words written since Friday. I’ll be out of town on Saturday, so no work will get done then. I’m heading over to #NaNoSlackMo first thing in the morning!


  20. Emma Burcart says:

    I love the idea of smaller goals & you are keeping me motivated. I’m going for one chapter a week and/or 500-1,000 words a day. So far it’s working for me.


  21. Oh yes! I have and I’m proud of it. πŸ™‚


  22. But I love to slack from time to time. Hey, it’s healthy!
    I love the idea of NaNoSlackMo, even if I didn’t participate in the NaNo (if I did, I would be the first on the NaNoSlackMo list, hah!).


  23. Nellie says:

    Oh man, NaNoSlackMo sounds awesome! I still haven’t found the NaNoProcrasMo yet. πŸ™‚


  24. My #nanoslackmo goal is 500 words a day. Been able to average that for the first week. Here’s chugging into week two. πŸ™‚


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