ROW80 Update – 12 Days To Go!

Holy cow, there’s less than two weeks left of Round 3. On September 22nd, we’ll all be panting in a big heap at the finish line…

Or will we?

It kind of depends on what you’re going for with your ROW80 Goals.

Though I had page count goals like everyone else, my three main incentives for Round 3 were accountabiity, encouragement and the push to “write every day.”

I haven’t necessarily ROCKED THE ROW in terms of page count but I’ve found all these benefits and more.

I was on the sidelines for the first few rounds, too overwhelmed by my life and my new blog to do much more than make note that there were writing challenges out there. I decided to jump in the ROW80 pool for this round and test the water.

Here’s what has become clear to me through the course of Round 3:

  • ROW80 bloggers are a superior support group! Whether it’s a week of max productivity or a week like this one, filled with stomach flu (yep, my husband and I BOTH got it), my fellow Team ROW80 members have found something positive and encouraging to say. It helps. A lot.
  • Blogging gears my mind up for manuscript writing. Y’all might notice that I post several days a week. That’s because short writing is my forte and is usually the lead-in to a writing sprint on my WIP. I’ve noticed I get more done this way.
  • The constant accountability has made me define my process better. I have a much better idea about my capabilities now than I did two months ago. I now understand that I will always try to find a way to write short. This has made me reorganize my writing time into several short sprints a week, rather than looking for long blocks of time. I never find them anyway and I get discouraged – with several small sprints I get more writing done.

There are other things that I’ve gotten a better handle on, but those are the big ones. I’m looking forward to Round 4! I’m excited about setting new goals and pushing forward toward them with all of you.

Kait’s ROW80 note for the day:
As we chug right along on our goals today, let’s pause for a moment of silence for the fallen.

Click here to encourage your other ROW80 participants!


Nicole Basaraba had the marvelous idea of having a Row80 Completion party on Twitter to mark the end of this round. I’d like to take the group pulse…are you interested? (Hint: I am!!)

What have you learned through the course of ROW80, about yourself or your writing? Enquiring minds always want to know here at More Cowbell. 🙂


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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34 Responses to ROW80 Update – 12 Days To Go!

  1. Gene Lempp says:

    We (wife and I) were right with you with the illness over the past week. I completely agree that ROW80 people are superior supporters and I am proud to be a part of this group of excellent folk.
    What have I learned? That I have to ease up on myself. Yep, it’s great to try to cram full every waking minute of the day with something but once that is accomplished then what does one do when a even a single task or issue is added to the already full list? Painful lesson but glad I learned it here. I’m looking forward to Round 4 at this point. Fresh start. New focus. New Direction. Same great people.

    Have a fantastic week, Jen 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Thanks, Gene! I absolutely agree. It’s interesting to set the goals, then see how they shake out and get refined. You are one of my ROW80 blessings. Have a great week yourself! 🙂


  2. Pingback: High speed or choo choo trains? Row80 check in | Nicole Basaraba's Uni-Verse-City

  3. Sorry to hear cold season has kicked in! Hope everyone is feeling better and ready to keep chugging along to the ROW80 finish. I’d have to agree with your main points here Jenny. Although, I’ve found this week that I take a few long sprints rather than lots of short ones.

    Looking forward to celebrating the finish and planning for Round 4. Hope everyone wants to ROCK THE ROW on Twitter after we’re done. 🙂


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Hi Nicole! Your idea is meeting with great success, if you look at the poll. Thanks for the linky love – I’ve got to go visit over at your place. 🙂

      So glad to have you on my Team Row80!


  4. Hi Jen! You’ve said what many ROW80 participants are thinking. This was my second ’round’ – and like you – I’m eagerly looking forward to another.
    Stomach flu, eh? Oy! That is just about the worst kind of sickness I can imagine. Really. That type of bug saps my will to live while it’s going on…lol.
    It’s great to meet you…I’m not sure how, but through this round I believe this is the first time I’m at your blogpage…!? I couldn’t agree more with you about the short writing bursts. It was Claudia Lefeve who turned me on to that type of writing, and I can’t thank her enough. Thirty to forty minute bursts seem to excite my creativity.
    I hope you feel better. And I hope that you have a great week. ~ Nadja


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Thanks, Nadja…it’s geat to meet you too! When it’s a full page of check-ins, it’s hard to get around and meet everybody. I think we all end up having 5-10 peeps who keep us going.

      Go, Claudia…I’ll bless her and seek her out too. Shorter writing times have done the world for my writing life.


  5. Sorry to hear about the illnesses. I was worried I’d end up catching the flu since both my parents had it, but I got lucky. It’s great that you’re trying to adapt to shorter blocks of writing time instead of waiting (in vain) for longer blocks; I really need to do the same thing, but it’s easier said than done 😦 haha

    Twitter party sounds awesome. As long as it doesn’t happen while I’m either asleep or at uni, I’ll be there 😀


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Rebecca, we’ll try to work out having it during the day at some point so that people can be involved, perhaps on a Saturday. We wanted to figure out the interest level first…and it is high. 🙂


  6. My 18-year-old was sick, too, poor thing, but I avoided getting it because he’s five hours away at college. That’s some bittersweet feeling!

    I have learned so much about my process as well; I’m more the baby sea turtle, neither sprinter nor marathoner, unless by marathon you mean taking days to finish the race! But that’s okay, that’s how I work.

    A far more important realization was that I have to have a group of people with me on the process–the nerd in the library carrel doesn’t work for me any more, if it ever did. Y’all keep me honest and buoyed up and instructed, I suspected this was a great group, having lurked for the last two weeks of Round Two, but the support and encouragement and friendship I have found here has far exceeded what I thought.

    Bring on Round 4, and absolutely let’s ROCK THE ROW


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Right on, Elizabeth!!

      I have found that I really need the community and I appreciate it so much. Wow, you’ve got a “baby” in college. That must absolutely be bittersweet. I look at mine and can’t imagine her as a big girl. 🙂


      • Well, I still look at my son, who is way more than a head taller than me (since I’m only 5″3″ that’s not hard!), and see that baby boy I brought home. I am so proud of how level-headed and independent he is, but man, it is hard!


  7. Amber Stults says:

    I have to agree with ROW80 participants as great supporters. I’ve had some “meh” weeks and they helped keep me going.

    The twice a week check-ins do have the built-in accountability factor that I need to get my behind in gear.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Awesome, Amber! It’s nice to see you over here. I always click on a few names at check-in and I don’t think I’ve gotten to yours yet.

      Thank God for the encouragement and accountability, huh?


  8. yikici says:

    Stomach flu and it’s like are all icky! I’m sorry to hear you guys have been poorly *hugs*
    ROW80 certainly has made me realised what I have achieved and what I am capable of -especially after I set-up my ROW80 – Round 3 Page. There’s still a lot to tweak but to see your progress from start to finish is a great encouragement and ROW80’ers are just fab! I started off quietly with the group -was unsure how things were, and now slowly I think I’m getting the idea and am excited for round 4 -will have a better idea in terms of goals!
    ROW80 Round 4 -I’m ready for ya! 😀


  9. I’m new to your blog and this is the first I’ve heard of ROW8o. How do I jump in?


  10. jamilajamison says:

    I’ve got to agree – I adore the ROW80 community, and it’s what keeps me going (and coming back for more). I’ve come to look forward to Wednesday and Sunday check-ins for the joy of catching up with everyone.

    This round, I surprised myself with how much I’m able to accomplish. I started with a modest goal of writing 500 words/day… and then CampNaNo happened. 😀 My brain is buzzing more than ever, and I’m grateful for the creativity that seems to be flowing right now. Round 4 is going to be a challenge of figuring out how to fit everything in with schoolwork and such, so I imagine that I’m going to really have to tweak things so I can stay flexible. Still, I’m looking forward to the challenge.

    Hope you’re feeling better, Jenny!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      You COMPLETELY ROCKED the Row, Jamila! What you accomplished during Camp NaNo impressed the hell out of me. Any gal who can do that will certainly figure out how to accommodate schoolwork into Round 4. 🙂

      I couldn’t have felt any worse…so yes, I’m delighted to be here sharing cyberspace with all of you. 🙂


  11. Stacy Green says:

    I actually met all my major goals – I sort of set the bar low, lol. I haven’t written as consistently as I wanted, but I did meet the goal. Round 4 is going to be a new challenge as I am working on a new WIP and really need to get in gear.


  12. I’ve been enjoying it. ROW80 has shown me what I need to work on to make my goals. What becomes a priority, what can be placed at the end of the list. I started with a great YA, and am 3/4 of the way done – Yeah round #3! And have put this month to a specific goal…I know that I will complete. I’ll be back for Round #4. Support with this group has been wonderful. We’re really in this together.

    I also wish you well, Jenny. Sickness is the strongest deter to writing, I think.


  13. Marcia says:

    I’m definitely in for ROCK the ROW! I learned so much this summer! I started ROW80 at the same time I began an online class and my granduaghters came to stay with us for the summer. My available writing time for blog and WIP was cut to 25% of what it had been. What I learned: 1. I don’t have the patience as a grandmom that I had as a parent (still adore my grandgirls just the same!) 2. With less time to work, I didn’t get as much done but I used my time more efficiently, 3. Prepare for unexpected interruptions by a. not stressing since they’ll always pop up at the most inconvenient times, b. plan ahead-get blogs written 2 wks ahead and carve out at least one block of daily time that nothing can mess with.
    I love ROW80 and the community feeling and will be back for Round 4.
    Congrats, Jenny on all you’ve accomplished!


    • Jenny Hansen says:


      A lot of what I accomplished was mental, which is why I’m so excited about Round 4 – I want to put all of this into action!

      p.s. You aren’t supposed to HAVE to be as patient as a Grandma…you can send them home. 🙂


  14. andrewmocete says:

    I did the first two rounds of ROW80 and took a break from this one. Not sure about the next round, but maybe I’ll just jump in and see what happens.

    The completion party sounds cool. I’d definitely be completion congratulate(er).


  15. alberta ross says:

    def. coming back for more – tis a lonely life out there on ones own (well except for a cast of characters!) great to have a friendly word and shoulder around.


  16. Tia Bach says:

    I, like you, haven’t rocked the word counts, but I’ve found an incredibly supportive and giving community. I hope to better define and plan for Round 4, and knowing people will be there to support me will give me all the encouragment I need. Round 3 was my first, but it’s just the beginning!


  17. Pingback: A Party Is Coming! A Party Is Coming! Row80 Check-In 9/14 | Jenny Hansen's Blog

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