Techie Tuesday: All Eyes on E-Publishing

The amount of information available on e-publishing has exploded in the last few months. The Indie market is alive and well and becoming a more respected option, particularly for the mid-list authors that feel they are stagnating elsewhere.

Below is a More Cowbell Mash-up of Links that informed me or made me think about e-publishing, with indie publishers or on your own. Enjoy!


Kristine Kathryn Rusch is writing posts on the current state of publishing that light my hair on fire.  Here’s my Friday reading from last Friday, in the order that I read them:

Some How-To Guides:

Thoughts on E-Publishing:

New publishers coming into the market:

I’ve come to believe that writers are poised at the edge of a brand new ocean of opportunity. Just as social media has made even the most notable celebrities accessible, e-publishing brings the dream of being published closer than many writers ever thought it could be.

After months, even years, of rejection authors have the option to chuck the way of traditional publishing and go it alone, with just themselves and the vast marketplace of the internet for company.

No one really knows the rules of this new game so we’re all learning together. It’s true that J.A. Konrath, Amanda Hocking, Bob Mayer and many others are way out in front of everyone else, having jumped on the bandwagon long ago.

What’s also true is that they are holding the torch high in order to light the way for the new crop of writers who wish to follow in their footsteps.

Have you considered the indie market or are you already e-published? What made you decide to go that route and what advice do you have for the rest of us?

Don’t forget, I LOVE hearing from you! Between now and mid-June, everyone who leaves a comment I will put your name in a hat for the June Let’s Meet Up (for Training) Contest. If you comment and link back to my blog on your blog, you get your name in the hat twice. Everyone who did not win a spot in the May webinar will be entered in the June webinar. Same thing for July. There are thirty spots left for the taking and I want to see one of them go to everyone who wants one!

Till next time,

About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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13 Responses to Techie Tuesday: All Eyes on E-Publishing

  1. amyshojai says:

    Thanks for the shout-out! Yes, this is a brave new Eworld and I’m still learning from my mistakes and the success/failures of others.


  2. I’m keeping my eye on this one…..but I still hope to see my book bound and in print. I’m old fashioned…


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I’m old fashioned too, Tiffany. My dream was always to write for St. Martins Press.

      BUT the indie presses are making headway into the bookstores and the options are plentiful. Plus, I think people who use eReaders actually buy MORE books. I’m on the fence, but I’m looking at both sides of it now.


  3. Pamela Mason says:

    When I joined my chapter of RWA, my first meeting featured a speaker who was marching forward into the world of epublishing, 4 years ago.
    Epublishing is for me.
    If you look at the big economy/century picture (here… let me dust off my crystal ball!), you’ll see we’re not on the cusp anymore… we’re in the future. Bob Mayer said it on another indie/epublishing blog– start looking at what’s about to happen a year from now… Now! (Read Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers…you’ll see what I mean.)
    I ❤ Kathryn Rusch. Thanks for the update. I've been sidetracked & I need to catch up on the backlists' royalties she posted a month or so ago.
    Thanks Jenny!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I know that it’s not REALLY new, but things are just now really starting to pop where the information is plentiful and the DIY stuff is easier. It is truly SUCH a great time to be a writer.


  4. Hektor Karl says:

    Lots of good links. The explosion in e-books is certainly leading to lots of interesting reading.


  5. I just downloaded the An Author’s Guide: How To Publish An Ebook On A Budget and it’s still free, for today at least.


  6. At work in the Ol’ Home Depot, it’s a common sight to see e-readers in the break room. I love the fact that you can buy them in book stores, showing that they’re not the enemy, they’re the future. If I could persuade Mrs Dim, or sell a whole bunch of plays at once, I’d buy one for the pleasure of carrying thirty books in one small package. In the meantime I have to settle for having the Kindle Software on my netbook, which is power-hungry looks a little silly held portrait….


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      I agree that it’s the wave of the future, Damien. I actually think people will by MORE books when they don’t have to cart them around. I LOVE my paper books…but I also love the ease of the e-Reader.

      BTW…I adore Home Depot!


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