My New Time-Saving Social Media BFF: Triberr

Welcome to Techie Tuesday here at More Cowbell! This is the day each week when I unleash my inner geek and we talk about some groovy piece of technology or a technical point of writing.

Today, we’re talking about my newest favorite social media tool, Triberr. I’ve been on the platform since November, when my pal Roni Loren invited me in and I LOVE IT.

Since there are many layers to why I love it, this is going to be a multi-part post. Here’s Part 2 to show you how to get set up in Triberr and Part 3 to help you ROCK your Tribal Stream. 🙂

PRIZE ALERT: I am giving away spots in a new More Cowbell tribe specifically from the comments in these Triberr posts. PLUS, I will give the winners a Triberr tutorial via GoToMeeting where we all talk on the phone and do a quick online session about how Triberr works.

Here’s how to enter this contest:

  1. Comment on this post and let me know that you have contest interest
  2. I will then add your name to the Magic Hat of Triberr Love
  3. I will draw 3 names each time I put up a Triberr post, announcing the winners from each prior post.

Easy-peasy! The only caveat is that you must be new to Triberr to be added to the More Cowbell tribe (though you can still participate in the Webinar) – I’ll explain why in a later post…it has to do with something called Triberr “inbreeding.”

Graphic from

What is Triberr?

Triberr is an invite only website for bloggers interested in increasing their reach. When you get invited into Triberr, you are a member of someone else’s tribe and you have the capability to start 3 new tribes of your own. (I’m using one of mine for this blog series.) Triberr is a free platform which enables bloggers to band together and share in each other’s audience.

Why do I love it?

I love having the ability to see the posts from everyone I want to support all in one easy-to-manage place. Triberr is like having Google Reader on social media steroids. I can push everyone’s posts out to Facebook, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon or schedule them to tweet ALL IN ONE PLACE. I can click on your post’s heading to go read it from Triberr as well. As you can imagine, the convenience is incredible.

What has it done for me?

The most important thing it has done for me is saved me an extraordinary amount of time.

  • I can see everyone’s posts from all my tribes in one window (called your Tribal Stream).
  • You set your Twitter preferences in Triberr, including how often Triberr tweets for you (ex: mine is set to every 20 minutes until all posts are out). After you complete these settings, you approve the posts in your Tribal Stream (I customize with hashtags first) and your tweets will go out on that time interval automatically.
  • I can put a post up on my other platforms like Facebook, StumbledUpon or LinkedIn with a few clicks. Not only does this promote people that I genuinely want to promote, it allows me to do it all in Triberr, without having to open all those distracting (time-sucking) apps.

The other thing Triberr has done for me is increased my traffic, and allowed me to see which posts are more popular than others. Below is a picture from Triberr’s My Stream area, showing how many hits have been generated from the tweets of a particular post. I picked these two because they were on the higher side. Keep in mind I only have two tribes at this point.

Why does Triberr make me happy?

Triberr has two benefits that make me happy in addition to the “brass tacks” measurable items above.

  1. Triberr solves the biggest problem 99% of bloggers have, which is “How do I get more eyeballs on my content?” I WANT to be a good tweep and promote my people, ensuring that more eyes latch onto their posts. However, as a full-time mom who works part time, I am very short on time. Triberr makes it easier.
  2. Triberr follows the WANA model laid out by Kristen Lamb. We Are Not Alone is not just a book by Kristen to me. I’m drinking the WANA Kool-Aid and it is a philosophy that I feel passionately about. Writers are stronger together than they are separately and Triberr lets me live the WANA concept via social media.

In essence Triberr makes me feel like I’m doing a better job at “giving back.”

How do I get started?

The easiest way to get started in Triberr is to comment on this post for a chance to be invited to the More Cowbell Tribe. You can also reach out to your existing network and figure out who else you know is on Triberr and get them to invite you.

Once you are invited to Triberr (via Twitter Direct Message or email):

  1. You click on a link and type in your invite code.
  2. You connect your Twitter account to Triberr
  3. You add your RSS feed so your posted content uploads into everyone’s Tribal Stream
  4. You visit Triberr 1-2 times/day and push out all the content you wish to move along from your Tribal Stream.

My next post will discuss getting set up in Triberr. As I said, there will be at least one more after that to show you the nuances of the program. If you are already IN Triberr and need help, you can ask a question in the comments section, go to the Bonfires section of Triberr, or click on this link for a tutorial.

To recap why I Heart Triberr:
TONS of social media, done in 10 minutes per day.
All the people whose posts you read and share in ONE screen. *Rapture!*

Are you interested in Triberr? Why or why not? What other easy-to-use social media tools have you found to help you handle the demands on your time? Enquiring minds always want to know these things here at More Cowbell!


About Jenny Hansen

Avid seeker of "more"...More words, more creativity, More Cowbell! An extrovert who's terribly fond of silliness. Founding blogger at Writers In The Storm ( Write on!
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151 Responses to My New Time-Saving Social Media BFF: Triberr

  1. Jenny, this platform sounds wonderful. Please put my name in the hat. I would love to have an organized way to promote other writers’ posts. Getting more eyeballs on my own posts would be lovely, as well.


  2. K.B. Owen says:

    I love Triberr, but I’m still flailing around in it. I know I’m under-utilizing it, and I could really use a tutorial! Please sign me up for GoToMeeting, Jenny!

    Great post!


  3. Wow this sounds like every blogger’s dream! One of my #row80 goals is to organize my social media and to make sure to comment/tweet on other blogs. A social media time saver would be excellent! Can you please put me in the Magic Hat of Triberr Love. 🙂


  4. Wow! I have never even heard of Triberr before, but it sounds like an amazing program. I’m starting to learn to drink the MyWANA Kool-aid, too. I’d love to enter the contest and be a part of your Cowbell tribe!


  5. Jenny please put my name in the hat for a Triberr invite. I desperately need some way to manage my time with blogging. I don’t want to miss anyone from Kristens 1011 class but I can’t keep up. thanks so much for info on this site. Did I mention I really, really want to win?


  6. Wow never heard of it before, thanks for sharing!


  7. stacymantle says:

    I would love to give this system a try. As a first-time novelist (Shepherds Moon) and long-time blogger of PetsWeekly, this is a tool I think could really help. Thanks for putting me in the running!


  8. Me too! Me too! I think Kristen is a genius and I’m still trying to integrate all the kool-aid into my site. Even though I use HOOTSUITE and love it, I feel like I still miss my friends posts and tweets and I feel bad. If there is a way to merge my RSS feed and HOOTSUITE and save time, i am all for it. I hope there is room for me in your tutorial. 🙂 Pretty please, with sugar on top!


  9. Emma Burcart says:

    Thanks for the explanation. I was invited to tribrr by a blogger who I love and admire, so I know it is a good tribe. But, I have trouble with the technology side of it so I haven’t clicked the link yet. Will my invitation still be valid? Or did I miss out on the chance? A lot of the time I let the technological aspect of things stop me. I have figured out blogging and tweeting, and just recently learned how to post links to facebook. That’s about where my knowledge stops. I would love to be able to be a part of your tutorial! Especially if I can still accept the invitation in my email inbox.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Emma, I had one of my pals accept my invite a month after I issued it so I know they last that long. I don’t know how long it takes for the code to expire. However, you can email them back and apologize and ask for a new one if it’s been a long time.


  10. Julie Glover says:

    I’m loving Triberr too. But I’m with K.B.: I think I’m underutilizing it. (For instance, I didn’t know I could space out my tweets.) My three fave tools thus far with social media have been HootSuite (for Twitter & Facebook), Windows Live Mail RSS Feeds (for blog subscriptions), and Triberr (for blog love). Thanks for covering this last one, Jenny. You really are a tech titan.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Tech Titan…that’s fabulous, Julie. And yes, go to your Twitter settings immediately. Underneath all the questions, there is a number with a drop-down. You can highlight and change that number to the number of minutes you want between tweets. Once you’ve approved everything you want in your Tribal Stream, they will send automatically and leave your Tribal Stream (they’re now in the Sent Stream).


  11. I’ve been seeing the word Triberr all over Twitter and couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it was, so thank you so much for the explanation. I hear you on the lack of time (I too am a full-time mom, part-time editor). I use Tweetdeck and Googlereader to keep up on things and I’m sure I’m not doing all that well. This is why I haven’t done Facebook yet. I’d love to learn an easier way. Thanks for the tutorial 🙂


  12. I’m still trying to figure out the awesomeness of Triberr. My stream doesn’t look like your stream, am I doing it right? etc… I have some time set aside for today to watch a few tutorials and really get a handle on my tribes. Having said that, I love what Triberr can do for us! Saving time is a huge factor in all of our lives and like you, Jenny, I want to be a good WANA and give back as much as possible. With 50+ blogs to follow, it’s just impossible to get to everyone in one day.

    I don’t qualify for your new tribe, but please put my hat in for the tutorial (if I get it all figured out by the time you have the tutorial, I’ll let you know so someone else can have my spot).

    Thanks Jenny!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Remember, Tameri, I have two tribes and you have one. You now get to make other tribes. I expect to see everyone who comments here and does NOT win band together and beg all of you in Triberr to invite them in. 🙂


      • I watched the video, I drank the Kool-Aid and now I think I totally get Triberr. I just feel stupid for not watching the darn thing sooner. I was doing it ALL wrong. Seriously.

        I was too intimidated to make another tribe, but now that I get it, I’ll gladly make another tribe so we can share the love. It really IS that simple. Thanks Jenny!


        • Jenny Hansen says:

          LMAO…at least you admitted it. Intimidated is the last thing I want you to feel when it comes to software (cause it wastes time). If you ask me, I’ll always just call or email you and save you the time.

          My husband is in the computer world and you committed what he would have called an “RTFM” error (Read the freaking manual). That’s so funny…I’m glad you watched the tutorial so you can branch out and make Tribes. We’ll get everyone drinking the Lambo Kool-aid. 🙂


  13. Stacy Green says:

    I belong to a Triberr but I haven’t put much effort into it. I just didn’t want to take the time to learn it, but I didn’t realize it was such a huge time saver. I’m going to log in and check my group out now, and I would love to be included in the More Cowbell one.

    Thank you for this post!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Stacy, I haven’t unlocked inbreeding so I can’t invite existing Triberr members. However, you can see if you’re still in your existing tribe. If you haven’t been participating, they might have moved on to other Tribe members who will. You will still be able to form your own tribes though, based on the posts I’m doing, or on the tutorial I linked to.


  14. donnagalanti says:

    I had vaguely heard of this – but am all for time saving when it comes to social media and banding together! Perhaps someone would invite me? 😉

    Thanks for putting all this detailed info together!


  15. Oh, so gonna be glued to these posts! Streamlining social media…sign me up. Like Shannyn, I use Tweetdeck and Google Reader right now and even then I’m terrible about opening Tweetdeck most days. Definitely want to learn a better way!

    Thanks for Techie Tuesdays Jenny!!


  16. This post is perfect timing, Jenny! I was unaware of the resource and feel like I missed a tech boat. I recently got an invite for a tribe, but haven’t joined in yet. I spent some time last week doing some reading to figure it out. Please toss my name in the hat for the GTM training. The capabilities sound fantastic! I user Google Reader and TweetDeck and it is a lot of time going between both. This sounds like a great tool to manage sharing in the community better.


  17. Thanks so much for this post, Jenny! I’ve been wondering about Triberr! I would love to have my name in your hat to learn more.


  18. Brinda Berry says:

    Well, this sounds very interesting to me. It’s one I haven’t heard of before. So, definitely put my name in the virtual hat.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Oh Brinda, it’s a real hat. That’s the only way I can remind myself to pull the names in time. Plus, if gets duplicates, I can just pull from the hat and still be random. 🙂


  19. HAVEN’T EVEN READ THIS POST YET JUST HAD TO YELL AT YOU ABOUT HOW EXCITED I AM ABOUT IT!!! *’kay, that’s done…going back to read it*


  20. Catherine Johnson says:

    That sounds awesome and I’ve just taken almost all my subscriptions from google reader to email, so I’m ready to start something new and save more time! Thanks


    • I kinda QUIT even going to google reader, even though it was super cool at first. I like the idea of using Triberr when it’s worded “like being on Google Reader on social media steroids.” Hope to get invited and see you there, Catherine!


  21. lroseriver says:

    I’d love this idea! Please put my name in the hat. Google reader for blogs I actually and habitually want to support? What’s not to love? Thank you!


  22. Carrie says:

    sounds like an interesting tool. I’d be interested to give it a whirl 🙂


  23. Ok, I want to be in a tribe that doesn’t make me wear an elk hat. It’s actually been somewhat difficult to find a TRIBR inviter so this is a good idea! I’m with Myndi Shafer and am officially ready to do the handshake.


  24. One other thought: I think it’s a fabulous idea to do the Go to Meeting tutorial on Triberr so consider doing that for a larger group, since not everyone can win. I’d be willing to pay for that (hint: profit center).


  25. Kathleen says:

    I’ve heard of Triberr before and heard mixed reviews. Some people love it, and some people hate it. I would love to try it out though. While I’m a stay at home mom/writer, I don’t have a lot of time on my hands to do the social media thing (cleaning, changing diapers, and picking kids up from school means enough time away from writing as it is). Thanks for the opportunity!


  26. Marcia says:

    Ah, it’s much more clear now! I was going to say what you already did, Jenny–anyone who doesn’t make it into your tribe may get invited by one who did, to join another tribe.
    Is there a limit to how many can be in one tribe? Is it easy to open and read another person’s blog in your stream? Hard to picture how it might look.
    This is an exciting way for streaming–almost a pyramid–from one tribe your name may stream into dozens of other tribes.


  27. I’ve already been invited, but would be interested in inbreeding when I qualify (that just sounds SO bad, lol). Great explanation though. 🙂


  28. Love triberr!! My only issue is remembering every day to go there FIRST (and later in the day) to schedule my triberr tweets instead of tweeting from the person’s blog. LOL! I sometimes worry about tweeting the same post 2 or 3 times – out of triberr and then from the person’s blog site – but I don’t think it’s the end of the world. Thoughts?
    As it stands right now, if I read this post and tweeted it from your site, when I went into triberr I would likely click “mark as shared” but then that doesn’t help you see your stats in triberr – would you just resend again through triberr? I try to remember who is in tribes with me and who isn’t but sometimes I am just going a million miles a minute. LOL!
    I started a tribe last week for the wana711 group. It’s been fun having everyone learn the ropes. I did unlock inbreeding (at 90 bones) and then it cost 15 bones each to invite current members. Ouch. Although I was able to buy a whack of bones for $10. LOL! So if you’d like to be part of the wana711 tribe, let me know.
    I will say that triberr doesn’t feel quite as user-friendly. Maybe it’s their FAQs that bite so posts like this are a HUGE help to understanding the usefulness of it, how to set it up to get going, and unlocking all the secrets. Your one-on-one tutorials will ROCK
    I love learning new tools and mastering them. Thanks for the fab post and can’t WAIT to see the next few!!!


    • Marcia says:

      How did I miss your Triberr #wana711 invite, Natalie? Can I still get in or did i miss my chance?


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Their FAQ’s do sort of suck. But there’s some great tutorials available here and there – I’ll list some in the next post. Plus, once you get used to scrolling down to get to everything, it really is all there. The time savings makes up for all of it!!


  29. Louisa Bacio says:

    Yeah! You’ve done such a better post on Triberr than I could have! Much more specific and technically savvy-speak. Love Triberr and being with like-minded writers and reviewers (erotic for me).

    You’ll probably get to it, but I also like the feature where you can see who in the Tribe is sending the most traffic to your posts (click-throughs). Wish, though, that I would see an overall of my own stats, lol.


  30. Good intro, although I still have many questions. Maybe the next two sessions will help even a dinosaur like me understand. Hope you’re still saving a tribe for LLC.


  31. Thnx for writing about us, and if you dont mind, I would love to join your GoToMeeting event. Let’s party 🙂

    Founder of Triberr


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Consider yourself invited, Dino! We’re delighted to have you. 🙂


      • Add me to skype or email me with the GoToMeeting deets. Skype dino.dogan / email dino.dogan at gmail

        Keep me posted. Having writers on triberr is a dream come true because writers are who inspired me to create triberr. When we develop features, we’re developing features to help writers bypass established distribution channels (read: big publishing houses 🙂

        If I have my druthers, writers wont need to be published to make a living writing.


  32. Aw, yes! I’m new to blogging, and remembered hearing about this a few months ago, but couldn’t for the life of me remember what it was called.
    I so want in.
    Thanks for posting about this awesome tool.


  33. I’m up for anything that can save time, so sign me up! However, I’m not sure how useful this would be for me, as I do most blog reading on my smartphone, and there doesn’t appear to be an Android app. 😦 With Hootsuite app, I can tweet directly from Google Reader. But the timing feature sounds great, so I’d like to learn more.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Jennette, you can schedule your tweets throgh Social Oomph or Hootsuite so Triberr might not be for you. Let’s talk about it more once you’ve read the other posts…it sounds like you might have the best system going for you. (LOVE that you’re using your Smartphone!!!)

      Thanks for taking time to comment. 🙂


  34. Jenny,
    Count me in. Haven’t a clue what I’m doing but anything that saves time and simplifies my life can only be a good thing!


  35. Jillian Dodd - Glitter, Bliss and Perfect Chaos says:

    I was leery of triberr at first. I thought it would be a bunch of people like randomly tweeting and taking control of my twitter account. I also thought it would cause my twitter to become a Spambot kind of thing, which I didn’t want. I’m so thrilled that I learned more about it. It saves so much time and allows me to RT and read blogs from one place. I also recently hired an assistant to help me with social media, so tribber makes it easy for both of us!


  36. I’d love to be invited to this. Why am I envisioning time left over in my day because of it? I’m taking Kristen Lamb’s class now so any help I can get the better.


  37. Debra Kristi says:

    This is awesome Jenny! Thank you for this post. I have a lot to learn. My current tribe has about 17 people so I know they can go over 10. I am currently setting up my own. Yay! I am all for the inbreeding. Do I qualify for your new tribe? Can it inbreed?


    • Louisa Bacio says:

      And the erotic tribe that I’m on has almost 30 people! (It can be crazy to approve those messages, a little too big but has a GREAT reach.) From what I know, the Tribe leader can pay extra *bones* to have more members on the tribe.

      And Laura, dear, you’d so be welcome on any tribe that I’m on … but I know that you write a different genre. You are NOT last!


  38. Wow, Jenny, you are better than Wonder Woman! I’d love to have a chance to be included in the tribe. Thanks for another great post!


  39. Laura Drake says:

    Jeez, I work first, instead of looking at More Cowbell ONE DAY, and look what happens – 58 comments!
    Got room for one more? Oh please, oh please? Don’t leave me out here, unchosen, like in Junior high, when they chose teams for Dodgeball!!!!


  40. Anything that will save me some time for writing vs. being online with social media sounds like an amazing program to me! I would definitely be interested in the contest and in learning more about it!! Thank you for much for sharing your discovery with all of us! *crosses fingers and hopes to be picked*

    Thanks again, Jenny! 😀


  41. I’m sold! This is awesome and timely, seeing I was JUST Google-ing Triberr. More eyeballs and saves time? Hee ha!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      We’re gonna get you in this time if it kills me, August! Did you see that the founder of Triberr commented? We’ll get the Triberr know how to help make sure everyone can access the app. 🙂


  42. tomwisk says:

    Please put me in the hat. A chance to reach more people has been a childhood dream of mine. Anything that will help reach out is all right with me. Is bribery allowed?


  43. Love the name and concept and the fact you can inbreed! Scheduling tweets sounds fantastic. I hate over-saturating my stream in one hour, yet there’s so much I love to share (especially from the WANA tribe). Looking forward to hearing more, Jenny!


  44. Kara says:

    Wow, this sounds wonderful. When I read about things like this I realize how tech unsavvy I am! But this sounds like it would really help me to get organzied and save time- two of my favorite things:) Great, informative post!


  45. Okay, I am totally overwhelmed Jenny. I am having a Techie meltdown. It’s giving me a panic attack. Inbreeding, tribes, bones, say what?


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      OK, Karen and Diane (and all my non-techie friends):

      Be with me here for a moment. Breathe in… *hold it for a second* Let it out… Seriously. Repeat this a few times. Calmness and Zen shall wash over us all. Oooommmm….

      I wondered if the inbreeding and bones would make people lose their minds. It’s OK, there’s at least 2 more posts and you don’t have anything to do yet besides read them.

      Once I pick the names for the webinar, we’re going to be together the whole time. There won’t be anything you don’t have a post for or ME, right on the computer and the phone with you.

      This is like the team-building exercise where you fall back into your team’s arms and have to trust them not to drop you on your keister. I’ve got you.


  46. This is great, Jenny. But like Karen, I’m freaking out here! yiyiyiyiyiyiyi So much to learn, so little time!!


  47. Cindy says:

    As a WANA112 class member, this sounds like the perfect way to support my new community of classmates! Add me to the hat, please!


  48. I’m on Triberr now thanks to Myndi Shafer who invited me to her tribe. Unfortunately that means I can’t be part of the More Cowbell tribe 😦 but I am looking forward to learning how to use this tool, but it seems like the perfect solution. It gives me a way to support the great blogs of the people in my tribe easily. It’s a win-win.


  49. Lynn Crain says:

    I am definitely interested in this for a variety of reasons but the biggest would be the amount of time I could save as well as getting me and my tribe out there more. It’s all about the WANA in my book.

    Thanks for a great informative blog. I really appreciate it!


  50. Hey Jenny, thanks for this. Wana711 has set up a tribe and we’re looking forward to reaping the benefits! I haven’t been able to get my RSS feed to work but will watch your video right now.


  51. Awesome post, Jenny. I just signed up for the wana711 tribe (thanks, Natalie!) . There is a lot I have to learn about Triberr so thank you for posting all these fabulous advices.

    Can I be a part of two separate tribes? If so, I still would love to sign up for yours. There was some glitch with my account, thus I couldn’t use your code. But it is all resolved as of this morning so I’m ready to rock and roll!


  52. Pingback: A busy week in the Blogosphere « Patricia Sands' Blog

  53. This sounds fantastic. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make social media more manageable, but I just get overwhelmed.


  54. Roni Loren says:

    Thanks for the shout out, Jenny! I’m so glad you joined my Tribe :). It is a big time saver. I almost wish you could add blogs like subscriptions even if that person didn’t necessarily want to be in a tribe so that you can remember to tweet their posts. (Dino, maybe I need to make that suggestion, lol.) For instance, I know I always like Chuck Wendig’s posts, but sometimes I forget to check his blog. I don’t need him in a tribe, but if I could subscribe to him through triberr it would help me remember to read and tweet his posts. My google reader is too glutted for me to keep up with things these days.

    Also, just a warning to everyone who wants to join triberr. Don’t let it make you a twitter-slacker. I’ve seen some people go to only triberr tweets and disappear from Twitter. It makes me want to stop following them because they aren’t really there interacting. Like anything, Triberr is a tool to intersperse with other things, it doesn’t replace you tweeting.


  55. alberta says:

    this is the second place I have heard about this and \I it intrigues me – still trying to figure it out so – even if I dont get pulled out of the hat and I would like to be a tribe member- maybe I can pick up some hint into how why what and where from these posts of yours – thanks for that


  56. alberta says:

    should have said I’m in Uk so being pulled out of hat prob. wouldn’t work those phone calls would be astronomical:) but I will follow your blogs and try and figure


  57. Carol Reiley says:

    How wonderful and the time is perfect! Please put my name in the hat.
    Many thanks and Blessing for your Blogs.


  58. Pingback: Sharing is Caring: My Weekly Finds | Barbara McDowell's Blog

  59. I am interested in Triberr, and in this contest so PLEASE put me in your Magic Hat of Triberr Love! And no need to worry about inbreeding with me, I’m brand-spankin’ new 😛 Time is a very precious commodity to me so I will welcome, embrace, and ok, BEG, for anything that will help me manage it!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      LOL on the inbreeding, Kate. You slay me. 🙂 There’s some WANA tribes springing up so everybody should end up shuffling into a tribe whether they win or not. I’m crossing my fingers that it is so!!


  60. Fabio Bueno says:

    Hey, Jenny! Thank you so much for your post. Like many, I’m still trying to understand what Triberr is and how it works. I’d like to enter the contest as well.
    I can’t wait for the next posts!


  61. Pingback: Sharpen Your Blogging Habits: 14 Actions to Take to Amplify Your Blog’s Voice | kristin nador writes anywhere

  62. Elena Aitken says:

    Awesome post, Jenny! Our Wana 711 group JUST formed a tribe and your post has been hugely invaluable for us all.
    I’m still trying to figure it all out, but it’s a great tool, for sure!


  63. Pingback: Triberr Part 2: How Do I Splash In The Triberr Kiddie Pool? | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  64. Callene Rapp says:

    This sounds great. I’d love to be entered in the contest. I’m flailing like a drowning spider monkey at this whole social media thing and I’m not too proud to ask for help! This post makes the whole thing sound a bit more manageable.


  65. Jenny, your Techie Tuesday posts are invaluable, this one especially. I’d love to be in your Tribe if I get lucky with the hat.


  66. I love the idea of Triberr but it still sounds so intimidating to me. Then again, so did Twitter at first. 😀


  67. Pingback: Tutor Me on These Sites…Please | Julie Glover's Blog

  68. Pingback: MASH-UP: Berttie Bott’s, Man Movies, and More « Jessica O'Neal

  69. Joe Lerner says:

    Hi Jennie,

    Great site, I’m definitely subscribing. I’m also interested in your contest. Like so many other semi-technophobic writers, I need all the help I can get.


  70. Pingback: ROW80 – 1/22 – Steady as She Goes and Streamlining Blogs – Marcia Richards

  71. Barbara Lavi says:

    I’d like to join the tribe & will probably need some help with it.


  72. Pingback: Triberr’s 2012 Revealing | Triberr Blog

  73. Pingback: Triberr’s 2012 Revealing - dancristo | dancristo

  74. Pingback: Triberr Part 3: Graduate to the “Big People Pool” (or How Do I Rock My Tribal Stream?) | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  75. Pingback: What’s the Problem with FREE? « Kristen Lamb's Blog

  76. Oh, oh, oh. This sounds brilliant. A must for me. Am I too late for your contest? I popped over from Kristen Lamb’s site, which if I’d read before would’ve saved me from six months of reading marketing stuff that doesn’t apply to this poor little writer/blogger. Ta!


    • Jenny Hansen says:


      You’re fine – I’m picking from the comments across all the posts. It’s harder for me, but more fun for all of you. 🙂

      If you look up through the pingbacks in the comments, or click on “Triberr” in my right sidebar, you’ll see all the posts. These should help you get set up if you decide to join Triberr on your own. (Many of the more impatient have already chosen to do that.)


  77. I too am a Kristen Lamb convert but I’m trying not to sink under all this social media stuff. I think my brain model has been superseded by the ones that can make sense of a million bits of info coming at them at once. So this sounds like it would be a great idea … throw me in the comp if I’m not too late.


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      Libby, we are drawing names from a single Magic Hat of Triberr Love. Everytime there is a comment, I take a handy slip write the name and toss it in. It’s absolutely not too late. 🙂

      I like Triberr because once you get set up, everything is all in one spot.


  78. Holy COW! Cowbell “heaven”! Invite me…
    So interested in learning more! Found you through Kristen Lamb, through a friend who swears by her. Doing lots of reading tonight. So fun (but should be asleep).


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      You’re so funny, Christie! Isn’t that late-night reading the best?? Thanks for popping over from Kristen Lamb’s camp…she is seriously amazing. As one of my online pals says – Awesome sauce with chocolate. 🙂

      Enjoy the Triberr series…there’s a few more to get through in case you decide to join yourself (it opened the week after I wrote this post).


  79. Hello Jenny!
    I’m a member of a couple of blog tribes, where we share and participate in the quality content of other members. So I’m very familiar with the concept of a “tribe” and I totally love it. Just don’t know anybody from triberr… yet. I haven’t asked. Duh! I should.

    Meanwhile, I’m glad I stumbled into your post on Triberr. I’ve been curious about it for months now. Naturally, I’d be delighted if you’d do the honors and invite me. Please! Pretty please?!


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      You are in the Magic Hat of Triberr Love, Sage. I promise! Thanks for stopping by. There is a part 2 and 3 to this post so you can get some more help. I’ll likely do part 4 next week. 🙂


  80. I’m new on Triberr but I can just say that it’s a fantastic tool. Easy to use, easy to get new and interesting people to follow, more followers and friends for sharing ideas. And of course… new fantastic posts like yours 🙂


  81. Pingback: Triberr Part 4: Lazing Around In the Royal Triberr Hot Tub | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  82. Pingback: 2-12 Check-In « A Round of Words in 80 Days

  83. Dee Harrison says:

    Many, many years ago I passed an examination and left my Junior School (which was just around the corner from my house) to attend the enormous Grammar School which involved taking two buses and a train ride to get there. A girl called Rachel, who was in her second year at the new school took me by the hand on my first day and showed me how to get there, where I needed to be and at what time, what I should do and, perhaps more importantly, what Grammar School girls didn’t do.

    I tell you this because you have become my ‘Triberr-Rachel’. Just joined today and have found your posts which, so far, have gotten me on the right buses and trains!!! Thanks for that.


  84. Pingback: Sunday Summary & #ROW80 « Raelyn Barclay

  85. Joe Lerner says:

    Jenny, thanks for the helpful post. I’m definitely interested in triberr, so please add my name as well.


  86. Jenny just found your post through a row 80 blog. I would love to get involved in triberr!


  87. Pingback: My new love: Triberr | Suzan Butler

  88. yikici says:

    Jenny, you explain it so clearly. I joined via Haley Whitehall and had not really went into that much; your post has opened my eyes to it in a new light and well, I’m using it now -soooo time efficient! I’d love to be part of your Tribe too, please invite me so I can join you all round the campfire. 🙂


  89. Pingback: Triberr Part 5: The Boneyard and Other Tribe-y Hot Spots | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  90. Donna Newton says:

    I was invited a week or so ago and was totally baffled by it. But, Kristen and David told me how super cool these posts were, so here goes. Wish me luck! 🙂


  91. vickihinze says:

    Fascinating, Jenny! Sounds like a winner to me.


  92. Pingback: Awards & Thanks « The Midnight Novelist

  93. Read it. Believe it. But it’s not working for me. I know Gene Lempp swears by it. And Jami Gold. I can’t figure it out. *clutching throat.*


  94. Pingback: ROW80 – R1C12 « The Midnight Novelist

  95. Hi Jenny, I’m certainly late to your party. Thanks for telling me about Triberr over on Kristen Lamb’s post. I had never heard of it. I get the sense I should try it, but it seems a little mystifying. I’m new to Twitter, too, and all of this social media stuff, except FB. Twitter still comes across as an endless stream of messages that I don’t have time for and that don’t mean much to me. I gather from some of the comments that I don’t need an invite anymore to try Triberr. Is that true?


    • Jenny Hansen says:

      That’s exactly right, Ann! Triberr is now open for all but if you have blogging friends, you’d do better to make a tribe with them at the same time you join. If you know someone in Triberr, ask them to invite you BEFORE you join.


  96. sunilprajapat says:

    Hey jenny! I was in total maze about how Triberr works. But Angela referred ur blog n asked me to check out all the fantastic tutorials that you hav written about Triberr. As you mentioned in this post that we need an invite to get started and we need to paste some code. But i just joined Triberr last week. And i’m looking for some invites. I’ll be more than happy if you could invite me to ur tribe. And Jenny i still hav one doubt that is still not clear. Its just that i wanna know how twitter tweets it automatically on the basis of user defined schedules ,if you could tell me more about it in detail then i could come out of this mazee chaos. 😦


  97. Pingback: If You Can’t Find Anything in the New #Triberr, You’re In the Right Post! #AtoZchallenge | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  98. Pingback: The Truth About Social Media Time Suck « August McLaughlin's Blog

  99. corajramos says:

    Love Triberr! Saves so much time and reminds me to read posts I would probably forget.


  100. I joined Triberr few days ago. Learning it step by step. But I’ve not yet unlocked the part how to create a Tribe for myself.


  101. Thanks for this but, oof, triberr is definitely on the more complicated side of social networks – in a weird way it is also feels more lonely being a beginner on triberr than elsewhere – who cares if it takes a while for people to follow me on pinterest, digg, stumble upon and reddit… but not being part of tribe? Terrible. Sob!


  102. Pingback: 6 Social Media Platforms – Which is best for you? - Lisa Hall-Wilson | Lisa Hall-Wilson

  103. Pingback: Added #Triberr Finally! | JessicaAspenWrites

  104. Hi! I sure get tired of spending so much time creating my blog content, and then no one ever comments or posts on it. I am a non-techie kind of person. Hopefully Triberr will help get some readers to my blog and website. Thanks for the post !


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